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times because you couldn't get home before this, I know that is wrong in my heart, but that's a woman for you. I have had so many disappointments about your home coming I don't build castles in the air any more, they have benn dashed to the ground too many times. You are due for a break so it shouldn't be long now, here's hoping.

Little Ian is lovely Alan, I bathed him a couple of times for May, he loves his bath. Jeff and May have reason to be proud.

We all thought of you at Xmas, on Xmas day darling I though of you a lot and Mum and I both wished you would be with us next year. It wasn't like Xmas this year it was strange. I hope Alan you enjoyed it although I don't know how you could.

Jeff might be with you soon according to May, I guess that would be a happy reunion. I haven't seen him for close on a year.

Alan news is so scarce, I can't think of anything to write about so will have to close. I am still waiting for your return, that will be a happy day and I will be listening again to your happy laugh and loving you as I used to. I am off to bed now darling.
Your loving fiance
Nancy xxxx

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