My Dearest Alan,
You are right when you say our letters are few and far between, but I have run out of news. You are in one place, I in another, we don't know the same people and no place to write about, I have tried many a time to write but receiving no letters from you makes it harder than ever.
I have just arrived back from leave and could hardly believe my eyes when I found this letter with your familiar handwriting on the envelope. Darling you would be disgusted with me if you were here, all the trouble I am in. I went on leave a few hours before I should have and was marked 9 1/2 days A.W.L. (what a record). I wont worry you with my troubles though, I can take it.
Alan Cameron is stationed here along with three other lads from your crowd. Dad gave him a letter of introduction, he hadn't any idea Alan was a friend of yours. I found out during the course of conversation, isn't it a coincidence meeting him like that. I also met Owen in Brisbane, met him on Edward St. corner so was only speaking to him for about ten minutues, he was pleased to receive your letter. There was a short write up about Harold Jesser in the paper, Rouna was proud.
I didn't get a chance to go up home while I was on leave, the days just flew by, and I was on the go the whole time. I will go up next chance I get.
Alan I did wonder what your feelings were now, three years all but a few months is a long time to be parted. Maybe we have both changed in that time, but by your letters you are still my Alan. I'll admit I get annoyed and unreasonable at
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