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7272d Air Base Wing
APO 231, New York, N.Y.
23 July 1953
Miss Frances Ward
Reader's Digest
Research Department
230 Park Avenue
New York 17, New York
Dear Miss Ward:
I am enclosing the form questionnaire forwarded by your depart-
ment to me in connection with research being done for Mr. Ryan's
book about D-Day.
Judging from the wording of the questions on your form, I would
gather that Mr. Ryan is more concerned with individuals who actually
landed in Normandy on D-Day rather than those of us who flew missions
out of England in support of the effort. However, for whatever value
they may have, I have provided answers to your questions.
I am also enclosing an extract of a diary I kept during that
period. I have changed none of the wording contained in the original
diary. It might be well for your department to recognize that the
words were written by a very impressionable, very enthusiastic and
very young fighter pilot.
I am being transferred from this station to Washington in the
very near future. I shall be assigned somewhere within the office
of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. At this time I have no
forwarding address nor even a contact point that I could furnish you
for further reference. I hope the information I am forwarding will
be useful.
Very truly yours,
Robin Olds
Colonel, USAF
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