


Status: Complete

realm and can only be attended to by me.

For a long time I have been puzzled about why I was so very unhappy at Stanford. After I left I decided that higher education was at fault and I read some and though more about education its methods, institutions, and the extent it affects our lives. Since then I've decided taht higher education does not deeply affect us - it merely represents what most of us want in an institution of higher education. It represents much that is good in America, but much that is bad, like the commercial athlete, the undemocratic society, the trashy newspaper, the little piece of not nice politics, the hypocrisy about sex, and above all the [twobbling?] desire to get smoething, someplace, meaning money. So saying we [are?] about to sit in judgement of other peoples in the world by dint of the fact that we have the mightiest production, the most tanks, aircraft, guns, eggbeaters, and convertible roadsters and hot dogs. We who have almost no ideals other than these of getting somehting will now decide how to set before the uneducated Jap and German a new ideal, one they will someday believe in, and we must be prepared to continue our education for many years. I'm

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