23. Sunday.
In bed forenoon. F.P. rang up & I
met him at Albert Hall for Felice Lyne -
Sammons concert. Then we had tea at
Knightsbridge & I brought him home
for supper & he stayed
till after 11. He
was cross & tired & instead of him
cheering me I had to turn around &
smooth his little feathers.
24. Monday.
Cloudy & cold
Maud came & ate her
lunch with me & gave me some.
Nancy ran in & out. I stayed in
bed till 5 when I arose & wrote
25. Tuesday.
Paul Walsøe called in morning saying we
wd. go to Bedales tomorrow. Cold day
showers & shade & occasional
glimpses of sun. Pottered. Went
to bed early.
26. Wednesday.
Met Maud at Waterloo at 9 & left
for Petersfield for the Whishaws
at the Village of Steep, Hants.
Had a lovely day of rest and
comfort among roses & hot
water. Lovely day
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