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Captain Charlie Jones knew Christ, he taught young Soong the Bible and would sit on deck at night and tell him about Jesus, the Christ, the Saviour of men.

This was the Chinese boy whom Colonel Roger Moore invited to Sunday School, on Saturday, in Wilmington, N.C., and the morning after the invitation, the boy went to Colonel's Moore's Bible Class at Fifth Avenue Methodist Church.

The people of the church were kind to the lad and he decided to stay in Wilmington. The members of the church helped him get ahead. The youth wove and sold rope hammocks for a living.

At last, the boy decided to be baptiszed and to join the church. When the minister asked him at the baptism, "What name?" the boy answered, "Charlie Jones Soong." He took the name of his Christian sea captain.

Colonel Moore the interested his friend, General Julian Carr, with whom he had served in the Confederate Army, in the boy. General Carr financed the youth through Trinity College which has now become Duke University.

At Trinity, everyone was interested in the Chinese youth. He lived in the home of Prof. W.T. Gannaway, studied with the president of the school, Dr. Braxton Craven and Mrs. Craven helped him with his English lessons.

Charlie Jones Soong then decided to be a minister. He went to the theological school of vanderbilt University and graduated as a Batchelor of Divinity in 1888.

When he returned to China, he began to preach. He helped to establish the first Y.M.C.A in China. He began to publish Bibles which he sold as he preached. He finally decided to give most of his time to the printing business and became very successful.

Charlie Jones Soong married and had six children. T.V. Soong, the eldest son, was educated at Harvard and Columbia. He later became finance minister and banker to the Nationalist Government. He secured a loan from the United States for China of $100,000,000.00.

T.L. Soong, the second son, also attended Harvard and Vanderbilt Universities and was secretary of foreign affairs in the Nationalist Government.

The third son attended Harvard University and entered business.

The three daughters were educated at Weslyan College in Macon, Georgia.

One daughter married Sun Yat-sen, the great leader, who gave his life in throwing off the Manchu dynasty in China in an endeavor to form the Chinese Republic so that the masses of the people could be helped.

Another daughter married Chiang Kai-shek who is still living on Formosa (1953) and who was, at one time president of the Chinease National Government from 1928-1931. Madam Chiang once addressed the Congress of the United States and was entertained at the White House.

The third daughter married Dr. Kung who was president of Oberlin-in-China Junior College and active in the affairs of the nation. He became finance minister of the Chungking government.

The Soong family perhaps played as important part in the life of China as any Chinese family which ever lived. This sketch is very brief but a study of the Soong family and China would be worth the time of any boy. The tragedy of China today (1953) is Communism, yet the influence of Christianity will never die in China-we do not believe- and some day Christ will triumph there and throughout the world.

Colonel Roger Moore wanted to help someone in the name of Christ. He met a Chinese boy on a dock at Wilmington, N.C., and through that boy he influenced the life of 1/4 of the world's population.

This incident in the life of Colonel Moore illustrates that anything done in the spirit of Christ and according to His principles has an eternal value.

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