



Status: Complete


Italy seems to have made a contribution to the world in every
sphere. In art and sculpture there are Michael Angelo, Leonardo da Vinci,
Raphael and many others.

Some consider the greatest contribution of Italy to the world has
been law. The code of Justinian written in the reign of Augustus has
profoundly influenced and is to-day the basis for much of the law
of the Western World.

The Italian language is considered the most musical language in
existence and the musical productions and singers of Italy have added
to the cultural enjoyment of the world in a remarkable way.

In literature, Italy has furnished Dante, Virgil, Horace, and what
every school boy knows, Caesar, who Gallic War many of us have stumbled

Italy is also the seat of the Vatican where the Pope of Rome,
the highest ecclesiastic of the Christian World, lives and rules. It
was in Rome where St. Paul was a prisoner and his letter to the church
in Rome is in the Bible.

Italy is a land of beauty and sunshine. Its people should never be
again "dagoes" to our American boys.

[black and white image of an aerial view of a city, featuring a large domed building.]
©Underwood and Underwood


To the left of center the magnificent St. Peter Basilica stands out with startling clearness; directly before it is St. Peter's Place and to the right
are the famous Vatican Palaces and Gardens.

[handwritten in bottom margin]: 233

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