


Status: Complete


Fig. 1. Under surface of the head of the Apteryx, with tongue and palate exposed.
a. The posterior nasal apertures.
b. The common opening of the Eustachian tubes.
c. The tongue.
d. The glottis.
e. The Glandular processes of the pharyngeal membrane.
2. The inferior surface of the tongue and hyoid-bone, with the commen -cement
of the œsophagus and trachea.
3. Abdominal viscera in situ.
a. Gastric processes of omentum.
b. Omental processes covering the intestines.
c, c. Omental processes in the intestinal loops.
d. The pancreas, in
d. The duodenal loop.
e. The duodenal loop.
f. The first loop of jejunum.
g. The rectum.
h. The œsophagus.
i. The sterno-tracheales muscles.
j. The carotid arteries.
k, k. The right and left lbes of the liver.
n. Erector penis
o. Compressor venarum penis.
p. Vascular and nervous plexus.
q. Internal sphincter of cloaca.
r. External sphinctter.
s. Penis: a probe is passed beneath it into the cloaca.
t. Coccygeal gland.

Digestive, Urinary, and Male Generative Organs.
a. Theproventriculus.
b. The stomach.
c. The duodenum
d. The vitelline cæcum.
e, e. The two cæca.

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