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To make Scotch Scollops
Take a Leg of the best veal cut it in thin littele Square bits well
Cleans'd from Skin then take some bread and great very fine
in a Dish then great some nutmeg and Lemon peall and Lemon
Time chopt very fine a littele pepper and salt mix it togethere
and take the yolk of a Egg and wash the scallops of over with your
finger, with the egg Strew some of the Bread over it on one side
then turn it and strew some on the other side till it is all over it to make
your force Meat Balls take Suit and chop it fine likewise some
some of your veal chopt fine mix it together with the [[remainder?]]
of your greated Bread and break the yolk of an Egg on & in it roll it in
to Littele Balls, to make the [govy] for them take Beef cut it in Littele
Bits put a littele mutton and veal with it in a preserving pan then put
a littele butter till the gravy is a littele Drawn and when it is
Drawn enough Empty it out of the pan then put the pan half full
of Watter put to it some pepper corns cloves mace and some sprigs
of Lemon time let it Stue till the gravy watter Decreases then increases
When you think it is rich Enough put it out in a Dish put some
More watter to the meat and let it stue a littele then put all out of the
pan clean your pan very well you must keep it cover'd to keep the
Broath in all the time its Staueing, then to burn Butter a square of butter
put it in [?pass] lett it stay till it is got brown then shake a littele flower
in it to thicken it keep it sturing all the while, then put a littele of the
Beef gravy in at a time till it is all in Still keeping it Stooing, then
Add a littele wine and Wallnut pickle and powder of Mushrooms
let it boil up and put it out and wash the pan with a littele of the
Second Gray and wipe it clean [heat? heap?] the Scallops in and fry them
in butter when thay are done wipe the pan clean and put the
Gravy in and let it heat then put in the Scallops let them be
in a sufficient time to heat them put it all out in a Dish
put the force meat to it lay then bits of Bacon round the sides
and send it to table

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