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95. January Monday 1ist 1816 Mechanics part
part 2
Monday 1ist
This day we made a begining at our grissmill
with a number of 10 hands
This day I being some unwell done little or nothing
excepting I turnd 6 chisle handles for my self
Tusday 2
Erly [Ely?] Mclain
This day I only sharp'd my saws
Likewise this day Ely Mclain and Mason
Wilhite set out for south union
Wednesday 3
Erly Mclain
Mason Wilhite
John Hutton
John Dunlevy
Elisha thomas
this AM I spent in trying to find something
for chair splits but without any success
the PM I went to the smith shop to do
some of the joiner work their I cut out the
stuff and begun for easing of a door and dresd
some of it up
this day John Hutton returng home from
Baurlien at which place he went to try a
sherring machine and if I mistake not he has
been gone 7 days
Likewise this day John Dunlevy and Elisha
Thomas went to the lower part of this
Count to preach
Thursday 4
Joel Shields
John Mcbride
Stephen Manire
this day I wraught some at the smith shop
but being verry unwell I done but little
this day Joel S John Mc and Stephen
M began 3 shering Machiens
this day the preachers came home
Friday 5
this day I wraught as yesterday
Saturday 6
this day I made out to finish casing a door
but had to retreat before night to
my bed
Note - this day John Varis finish'd
his swingling mill after working at it
about 36 days
Sabbath 7
John Banta
This day John Banta went to the world
after being among the believers
about 10 years

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