



Status: Page Status Needs Review

county: Allen

township: St Joseph


page-number: 97

No. First Name Last Name Crossed Out? Age Occupation Not Able Bodied, and Why Exempt and Why Remarks Disability
127 Jacob Lander false 24 false
128 William Lander 21
129 Amada Shoire 37
130 James E. Sniver ? 23
131 John B. Bobey 27
132 Martin Frederickson 19
133 John G. Frederickson 21
134 Lewis Clark 18
135 Harry Richard 20
136 James Richard 23
137 Jacob M. Frederickson 34
138 John Grubb 37
139 George H. Lee 24
140 Christian Schnick 23
141 Martin Schnick 27
142 John Herbert Jr. 27
143 George Herbert 24 John + George Herbert
144 Alfred Carrel 18 both swear that if they
145 Joseph Just 21 are compelled to go into
146 George Blessing 37 the Army, they will fight
147 Thomas Mix 33 for the South
148 George Langly 30
149 Madison S. Klinger 24
150 Thomas Haselet 23
151 Hyum ? D. Weekes 24
152 John Conkwright 21
153 Ugene Sovine 21
154 Jacob Kegg 24
155 Eli Rank true 32 farmer In Service Vol in 11th Inftry
156 George Rank true 25 farmer In Service
157 ? Rank true 23 farmer In Service Vol in 11th Indtry
158 Hugh M. Batney true 33 farmer In Service Vol in 11th Indtry
159 Julius Young true 26 farmer In Service Vol in 11th Indtry
160 John Shuler ? true 24 farmer In Service Vol in 11th Indtry
161 Lorenzo Shuler ? true 21 farmer In Service Vol in 11th Indtry
162 William Shuler true 19 farmer In Service Vol in 11th Indtry
163 William H. Brown true 20 farmer In Service Vol in 11th Indtry
164 William Dayton true 19 farmer In Service Vol in 12th Mo ?
165 Joshua Lank ? true 26 farmer In Service Vol in 12th Mo ?
166 Henry Lopp true 19 In Service Vol in 12th Ind
167 Nelson D Brown true 20 In Service Vol in 17th Ind
168 William Kever ? true 19 In Service Vol in 19th Ind

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I thought this was an interesting tidbit: "John and George Herbert both swear that if they are compelled to go into the Army, they will fight for the South."