Page 4
-tion to the subject this winter as I could have wished. I have had
however several very interesting cases, and my confidence in the efficacy
of the remedy is rather increased. As every account which has here
-tofore been published in this country, has appeared in Medical
Journals but little is known respecting it out of the profession,
and I am sorry to say that there have been several gentlemen ^in the Profession who,
without knowing any thing about it, have undertaken to decry the
Remedy, and ^there is scarcely and an individual who has manifested any
interest in its success. But I would not wish to have this repeated,
as it can only excite unpleasant feelings, and can do no good.
But if a popular account of the remedy, in a cheap form with
cases which occurred in this Country in the Practice of respectable
Practitioners Physicians, can be distributed among the people, I think it will
have the effect of bringing this valuable remedy into much more
general use. Dr Emerson has politely offered to furnish me with
all his cases, and if you will have the kindness to do the same
including your brother's, as far as you are acquainted with it, I
shall feel particularly obliged to you; and it will much enhance the
favor to have them as soon as possible, as the season has now nearly
arrived when the remedy can be used with most success. Will you
be kind enough to inform me by mail when it will be in your power to
send them? - I shall feel particularly obliged for observations on
the remedy which your experience may have suggested.
With great respect, yours
J Revere
P. S. You must excuse the form of this letter.
It was the last handbill ^that Coale had, and I thought
it might excite some interest. Please to pre
-sent my respects to Dr. Caldwell & Mrs Caldwell.
Samuel Brown M. D.
Professor of the Practice of Medicine
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