


Status: Complete


President Friday asked the retiring faculty members to form a line outside the door at the close of the meeting so all the trustees might take the opportunity to greet them personally.

Business Manager for State College

President Friday presented a recommendation, approved by the Executive Committee and referred to the full Board, for the appointment of Dr. William Lindsay Turner as Business Manager at State College to replace Mr. Graves Vann who is retiring as of July 1. Mr. Pearsall moved that the appointment of Dr. Turner be approved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Murphy, and the appointment was unanimously approved. Dr. and Mrs. Turner were present at the meeting and were introduced by Chancellor Caldwell.

University Report

President Friday made the following report:


This has been a year of major advancement in higher education in North Carolina, and I am pleased to report on the role the University has played and to indicate the opportunities before us and the responsibilities we hold for the implementation of the decisions of this Board and of the 1963 session of the General Assembly.

The comprehensive bill provided for the development of higher education in our state was enacted into law on Friday, May 10. Its major provisions have been discussed before at previous meetings of this Board, first at a special session in November of last year, then at a special session in January of this year. It is not my purpose to review the detailed provisions of this legislation again this morning. I should like to point out, however, that under its provisions the opportunity now exists, through the establishment of more community colleges, to meet the demands of a growing undergraduate enrollment situation in this state, the demands for expanded adult education, and the needs for a coordinated program of academic and industrial training. As we know, these institutions are to provide this opportunity to the commuting student at the lowest possible cost to both the student and the state. By adding the third and fourth years of academic work at the colleges in Asheville, Wilmington, and Charlotte, the state has opened to the commuting student in these areas an opportunity to complete the full four-year baccalaureate program.

In addition to its traditional responsibilities for teaching undergraduates in the liberal arts, the fine arts, sciences, and professions, this law establishes the University as the primary state-supported agency for research in the arts and sciences, and declares it the only institution in the state system of higher education authorized to award the doctors degree.

This bill, then, has created a well-ordered system of higher education in which each type of institution has an assigned function to perform, and the relationships among these institutions are now more clearly defined.

During the past eighteen months of work and study, this Board has been represented in these deliberations by a special committee of Trustees who have worked with care and diligence in evolving the plans for the University's future. Mrs. Burgwyn, Mr. Hill, Mr. Bryant, Mr. Medford,

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