


Status: Needs Review

Date Title Description Photographers #
Travis, Helen 5x7 & 8x10 7900
Thompson, H. W. 8x10 - Wrecked Car 7911
Trumbo, Sen. copy of son 7939
Thacher, Mary 7955
Thompson, Ottis baby 7956
Thomas, Virginia 7963
Trumbo, Paul 7967
Taylor, Mrs. Hubert baby 8005
Tincher, S. T. 8005
1930 Thompson, Mrs. Pansy baby 8118
Thorpe, J. C. 8122
Thompson, Mrs. Geo. baby 8147
Thomason, Mrs. Ward baby 8173
Thompson, Louise 8186
Thorpe, Eleanor Miss Frankfort 8202
Terhune, E. T. 8234
Tipton, E. L. Lady & 2 children 8355
Thomas Judge & Mrs P. P. 8394
Tomlinson Mildred 8366
Tracey Mrs. 1/2 5x7 cy 8305
Thompson O. (col) cy lady 8247
Tracey Carrie Jean 8239
Townsend Mrs. Burt 5x7 cy man 8245
Tevis Roge Gertrude 8x10 8370
Thorpe Eleanor 8x10 in Bathing Suit 8419
Tate, Mr. Lee copy of man 8432
Todd, Mrs. Boo baby 8483
Travis, Harold 5x7 & 8x10 8487
Tachitt, Mrs. Reid baby 8490
Tutt, Vivian 8493
Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. Forrest 8507
Thomas, Mary Jo 8601
Thompson, Tammy 5x7 & 8x10 of Pattie T. Best[?] 8628
Thompson [?] 8x10 home of [?] Pike 8630
Thompson Mrs. Weber baby 8637
Thorn Hill School 8x10 groups 8680
Thornton, Lucille 8718
Travis, Helen 8719
Thorncliffe, Mrs. Lucille baby girl 8736
True, James 8758
Trail, Mrs. Wilson 8767
1931 Thomas, Paul M. 5x7 cy. self 8804
Turner, Jack 8/10 appearance at Capitol Theater 8889
Thompson, Mrs. Scott 8x10 C. A. R. Play 8896

Date Title Description Photographers #
Triplett, Rose 8901
Thompson, Mrs. Scott 1 - cy Tourist Party in Egypt 8916
Tate Mrs. Wm. baby 9009
Trogulus[?], Harry cy of self 9025
Tackett, Watt 9031
Travis, Dr. F. M. 8x10 9057
Travis, Mrs. F. M. 8x10 9058
Travis, Dr. & Mrs. F. M. 5x7 (together) 9059
Thacher Leota E. (col) K. S. I. C. Graduate 9066
Thorpe, Eleanor 5/7 Graduate 9100
Turliston, Ballard 2 - 8/10 - cy Henry Clay Painting at Lep. 9122
Thomas Mrs. Augustine 8/10 garden 9141
Thompson, J. J. little girl 9209
Thompson 5/7 cy of self 9247
Todd Mary Home Lex[?] 8x10 Ky Prog. 9291
Thompson, Pearl (col) cy lady Stamp picture by 2 residents 9326
Tropllas, Harry cy of girl 9328
Thompson, Mr. Phendan[?] & Wife 8x10 pts (5x7 neg) 9329
Terry, Irene F. H. S. Teacher 9346
Tracy, Oeven[?] 9370
Taylor, Mrs. Rubin cy of husband 9380
Tracy Earl (col) 9386
Tate Emma 9429
Taylor, Elizabeth 9431
1932 Tatman, Oneda 9539
Thomas Mrs. Augustus 9571
Triplett, Mrs. Ed. 9625
Taylor, Lillian & George 9629
Thomas, Mary Jo 9638
Tyrone Bridge 8/10 9660
Thomas, John 5/7 cy self & wife 9684
Thurman, Lee Barber Iden. 9747
Triplett, Lydia baby & little girl 9758
Thomas, Mrs. Augustus 8/10 Flower shower (Cap Hotel) 9831
Travis, Mrs. F. M. 5/7 cy of baby sister 9841
Texaco Oil Co. 8/10 Trucks (3) in Merchant's Parade 9845
Thurmond, Henry 9868
Thompson, J. H. 9946
1933 Thurman, Dennis Iden. 9972
Tracy, Mrs. Carl boy 10039
True, Mrs. Roy baby 10056
Tolls, Jesse Mae 101[?]
Tichenor, Mrs. Fred baby 10118
Thurman, Mrs. A. G. 10119

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