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year in Texans, told us by request, some interesting
things about rice and cotton culture in
that great state. She said there were many flourishing
clubs for women in a town of 10,000 inhabitants.

Sallie R. Janney gave selections from a delightful
book by the Rev. Oliver Huckel of Balto.

“Through England with Tennyson”. This introduces
the reader to many parts of England associated
with the loved Poet Laureate, from his birth place
at Somersby, Lincolnshire, in East England, to the
Poets corner in Westminster where he rests, fittingly
near the graves or memorials of distinguished
men who have left the world richer than they
found it. Albina O. Stabler’s excellent little
sermon was upon the small things of life, which
too often, are allowed to upset us, because they
are so trivial. Where there are cares there is

“The unnecessary worry is the thing that ails us all,
The dread of dropping something or of hearing something fall
The fighting off a trouble that the Lord may never send –
We want to think more often of how much He is our Friend,
And then the chance to worry will be lost so far in cheer
We won’t have time for worry or for trouble or for fear,
For anyhow the worry doesn’t mend the case a bit,
It’s the facing care with courage that we need to settle it.”

It was thought to. be the hope of every man to reach
Heaven, but we all have a Heaven on Earth to-day
in the beauty of Nature in the Spring time.

At this point we digressed after our pleasant
old custom, to have an experience meeting upon
salads. The bitter green dandelion was placed very
low in the list, and water-cress near the top. The
latter, if once planted on the banks of a stream,
unless too severely pastured off by stock, will grow
by the bushel, literally, with no more attention
in year’s time.

Sarah T. Miller’s clipping was upon “Prayer
and Therapeutics”. Like “Sharley” in “Queed” with
regard to the word “hedonist” we retired, later to
look up the latter word in the dictionary, as it had
never been used in “Belmont” before, and found that
it meant “The Science of Healing”, hence. Prof. James’
(of Harvard) statement that in prayer spiritual energy

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