1832 Cash Ledger, 2005.063.035, page 020




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Cash 20th Year

1851 . . . . .
Amt Brot forward 21 18390.56
Novr To Sales 20th Year of the following
Henry Wood 153.33 C [Umshup?] 120. -
J.S. Buck 68. - S.B. Buck 120. -
C.O. Bell 120. - John J. Shaw 120. -
R Kelren 120. - W Melvin 120. -
E Wyeth 20. G.W. Robinson 120. -
W Flint 20. - L.R.D. Charter 40. -
R. Warner 182.33 GW Torrey 13.33
B. Goddard 120. - C.F. Stevens 20. -
J. Davis 120. - W Parkman 120. -
J A Libby 20 1736.99 [checkmark] 1757.99
Decr To Sales 20th Year of the following
I. Henry Perkins 120 - E Thayer 120. -
W.G. Prince 23 - Geo H Gray 23. -
W. Churchill 120 - E Everett 120. -
Geo. A. Kettell 60. - N Francis 100. -
H. Lubbs 100. - JA Estabrook 120. -
Geo Bates 19. - S Dowse 143.33
A Mosely 120. - J Rendles 33.33
J Carpenter 75. - S Tilton 200 -
S Piper 153.33 J. Stickney 100 1657.99 1651.99
Chas A Smith 120.- 1871.99 [checkmark] 21899.54
Expenses of deeds of the following
TH Perkins, EC Thayer, M Williams
GH Gray WG Prince, W Churchill
C Everett G.A. Kettell, JA Estabrook
G Bates A Mosely J Rendles
J Carpenter S Tilton S Piper $1 ea 15 - [checkmark]
Carried forward 1886.99 20148.55

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