1832 Cash Ledger, 2005.063.035, page 016




Status: Needs Review


Sales 20th Year

1851 . . . . .
Amt Brot forward 1293.33 [checkmark] 12499.37
Aug To Expenses, of the following for deeds
B.W. Nichols, H Smith, HB. Taylor
J. Foster, G.W. Torrey, L White
H A Kendall, L Hall Jr, A.M. Davis
P.F. [Slane?] J Wyeth $1 ea 11 [checkmark] 1304.33
" Sales 20th Year, of the following
H.S. Chase 120. JC Dunn 153.33
Elie A. Yale 120. N Willis 100. -
Jus Marshall 100. - CB [Tilmson?] 186.64
W L Houghton 100. - S.M Pook 120 -
M Shannon 100. - DH Richards 20. -
J Bayley 64. - G.F. Whall 100. -
J Marshall 20 - WB Fowle Jr 20. -
A Skinner 120. - C.J.F. Sherman 120. -
F.C. Sewall 36.64 M Thayer 120 -
B.F. Butler 100. - J Stickney 120 -
RC Hooper 120. - T.G. Cary 70 -
J West 20 2150.67 [checkmark]
" Expenses, of the following for deeds
H.S. Chase, J.C. Dunn, E.A. Yale,
N. Willis, CB Johnson, SW Pook
J West, D A Richards, J Bayley,
G.F Whall, A.F. Chandler, J Marshall,
WB Fowle Jr, A Skinner, C.J.F. Sherman
FC Sewall, M Thayer J Stickney
R C Hooper, F.G Cary $1 ea 20 - [checkmark]
" Incom for interest of J Stickney 4.23 [checkmark] 2174.90

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