p. 63




Status: Complete

Friday. Windy and cloudy. Cornelius was confined to his bed
but seemed cheerful, and amused himself as quietly
and as pleasantly as he could. Little kitty was quite
a companion to him. Caroline intended going to
Brooklyn to-day but felt felt too unwell to do so and
after a few ineffectual attempts to get ready she
gave up and went to bed. Evening - Harriet and I
attended prayer-meeting at Mr Hudson's. Henry
accompanied me home. He seemed to be willing
to talk with me on the subject of religion but tried
to appear indifferent about it. I do not think he really
is however.
Saturday. Pleasant. Sat in Millie's room most of the morn-
ing and with cousin Ann Eliza Nevina, and to Anna
[McCutchen?]. Carrie was very busy all day in making
her preparations for leaving. She called on May Willet
soon after dinner and found her sister Mrs Armstrong
very low. Mary Reeve made a long call.
Margaret Culbert also called. Rev Thos. Beacher took
tea with us. He is very entertaining.
Cornelius had a severe turn of bleeding at the nose.
Sunday. Bright and chilly. Attended our church in the morn-
ing. The Reverend Mr Evans preached on "Time."
Spent the afternoon at home. In the evening attended
Mr Beecher's church with Mr Hudson. Joseph [Wilde?]
and Mary R. sat with us. - He - [illegible] feelings on the subject of
religion seem to have undergone some change.

Carrie left us about four
o'clock. She intends spending
several weeks with Aunt [illegible?]
and Mary Jane.

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