


Status: Complete

Classification of the Sci.

with perfect propriety of speech termed an Art. But in the present discussion the term Practical Science is employed to mark the distinction between an inquiry how a thing may best be done and those best ways of doing it themselves as they exist in the concrete in the practice of doer. The word skill denotes merely the doer's degree of mastery, while by art is meant the particular manner or quality of the performance. Ordinary orthography, orthoepy, punctuation, grammar, although they may be treated in a purely theoretical manner, that is, as an account of the facts and principles of this or that language, in short, as branches of linguistic, are in fact usually developed entirely with a view to practice, and so become practical sciences. Punctuation ought to be recognized as a not insignificant department of rhetoric, and one of the most solid reasons for preferring a first edition to any later one is that it preserves the author's original thought as expressed in his punc-

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