



Status: Complete

G L O S S A R Y .

Abbaye, Abb - Abbey.
Abreuvoir, Ab - Watering place.
Abri de douaniers? - Customs-shelter.
Aciérie - Steel works.
Aiguilles? - ? (Ry.)
Allée - Alley, Narrow road
Ancien -ne, Anc - Old.
Aquaduc - Aquaduct
Arbre - Tree
" évantail - " fan-shaped.
" décharné - " bare.
" fourchu - " forked.
" penché - leaning.
Arbruisseau - Small tree.
Arc - Arch.
Arrêt - Halt
Asile - Asylum.
" des aliénés - Lunatic asylum.
" d'
" de charité
" des pauvres - Asylum.
" de refuge
Auberge, Aub - Inn
Aulne - Alder-tree.

Bac - Ferry.
" de travaille
Baines- Baths
Place aux bains - Bathing place.
Bilier - Beam. Beacon.
Banc de sable - Sand-bank.
" vice? - Mud-bank.
Baraque - Hut.
Barrage - Dam.
Barrière - Gate. (?)
(Machine à) B? - Weigh-bridge.
Bassin - Dock. Pond.
" d'échouage - Tidal dock.
Bassin de radoub - Dry dock
Bateau phare - Light-ship.
Blanchisserie - Laundry.
B.M. (borne milliaire) - Mile stone.
B' (borne kilomètrique)
Boulonnerie - Bolt Factory.
Fab' de boulon -
Bouée - Buoy.
Brasserie, Brass' - Brewery.
Briqueterie, Briq' - Brickfield.
Brise-lames - Breakwater.
Bureau de poste - Post office.
" de douane - Cusom house.
Butte - Butt, Mound.

Cabane - Hut.
Cabaret, Cab' - Inn.
Cable sous-marin - Submarine cable.
Calvaire, Calv' - Calvary.
Canal de désechement - Drainage canal.
Canal d'irrigation - Irrigation canal.
Fab' de caoutchouc - Rubber factory.
Carrière, Carr' - Quarry.
" de gravier - Gravel-pit.
Casernes - Barracks.
Champ de course - Race-course.
" " manouvres - Drill-ground.
" " tir - Rifle range.
Chantier - Building yard
" Ship yard
" Dock yard
Chantier de construction - Slip?way.
Capelle, Ch' - Chapel.
Charbonnage - Coalary?
Chateau d'eau - Water tower.
Chaussée - Causeway.
" Highway
Chemin de fer - Railway.
Cheminée, Ch' - Chimney
Chêne - Oak tree.
Cimetère, Cim' - Cemetery.
Clocher - Belfry.
Clouterie - Nail factory.
Colombier - Dove-cot.
Coren? - Workman's dwellings.
Cour des marchandises - Goods yard.
? - ?
Crassier - Slag heap.
Croix - Cross.

Darse - Inner dock.
Démoli -e - Destroyed
Détroit , Dtr" "
Déversoir - Weir.
Digue - Dyke, causeway.
Distillerie - Distillery.
Douane - Custom-house.
Burreau de douane "
Entrepôt de douane - Custom warehouse.
Dynamitière, Dynam' - Dynamite magazines
Dynamiterie - Dynamite factory.

Écluse - Sluice, Lock.
Éclusette, Ecl' - Sluice.
École - School.
Écurie - Stable.
Église - Church
Émaillerie - Enamel works.
Embarcedère?, Emb' - Leading-place
Estarol?et, Estars' - Inn.
Étang - Pond.

Fabrique, Fab' - Factory
Fab' de produits chimiques - Chemical works.
Fab' de faience - Pottery.
Faiencerie "
Ferme, Fm' - Farm
Filature, Fil' - Spinning mill.
Fouderie, Foud' - Foundry.
Fontaïne, Font' - Spring, fountain.
Forêt - Forest.
Forme de radoub - Dry dock.
Forge - Smithy
Fosse - Mine, Pit
Fossé - Moat, Ditch.
Four - Kiln
" à chaux - Lime-kiln.
Four à coke - Coke oven.

Ganterie - Glove Factory.
Gare - Station.
Garenne - Warren.
Garnison - Garrison.
Gazomètre - Gasometer.
Glacerie - Mirror Factory
Fab' de glaces "
Glacière - Ice factory.
Grue - Crane.
Gué - Ford.
Guérite - Sentry-box, Turret.
" à signaux - Signal-box (Ry.)

Halte - Halt.
Hangar - Shed, Hangar.
Hôpital - Hospital.
Hôtel-de-Ville - Town hall.
Hosillère - Colliery.
Huilerie - Oil factory.

Imprimerie, Impr' - Printing works.

Jetée - Pier

Laminoirie - Rolling mills.
Ligne de haute - High water mark
Laisse marée - "
" de basse marée - Low " "

Maison Forestière - Forester's house.
Mn' Fr'
Malterie - Malt-house.
Marbrerie - Marble works.
Marais - Marsh
Marais salant - Saltern, Salt marsh.
Marché - Market.
Mare - Pool.
Meule - Rick?
Minière - Mine.
Monastre - Monastery.
Moulin, Ml' - Mill
" à vapeur - Steam mill.
Mur - Wall.
" ?nel? - Leap?-haled? wall

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