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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.


38th Canadian Inf. Battalion.

(Erase heading not required.)

Army Form C. 2118.

Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

Bramshott 15 Battalion Parade held at 8.30 hours. Long Boards held today, and men for examination
by ear, eye and nose specialists paraded in afternoon. Weather - fine and clear. JPC?

16 Long Boards held in morning, and documentation continued. Practically all men on leave
now, and only 75 remaining in camp. Weather - fine. JPC

17 Documentation of remaining men in camp continued. Weather - fine and clear. JPC

18 Church Services held in Camp. Church of England at 10.00 hrs., R.C. at 10.00 in C.W.L.,
Hut at head of Camp. Weather - clear and cool. JPC

19 All leave now extended from 21st instant to evening of 25th, on account of the postponement
of our sailing date. Men have returned in some cases, but this extension has been
wired to the Y.M.C.A. Hut in all large centres. Weather - fair. JPC

20 Battalion parade held at 9.00 hrs., Weather - fine and warm. JPC

21 Parade held of men in Camp at 9.00 hours. Weather - clear and warm. JPC

22 Battalion paid during morning at "F" Wing Pay Office. The party proceeding on tour of
Scotland, paraded at 10.00 and 15.00 hours. Lt.-Colonel J.LRalston, DSO, (C.O.85th Bn)
met all Officers proceeding on this tour, in the afternoon. Weather - fair and warm. JPC

23 Party for four of Scotland paraded at 5.45 hours for special train at Liphook Station.
Men now being sent on second leave, till midnight May 27th 1919. Weather - fine and warm.

24 Parade at 8.45 hours on Battalion Parade Ground. Concert in No.1 YMCA at 14.30 hours.
Weather - clear and warm.

25 Battalion Parade at 9.15 hours. Church Parade at No.3 Y.M.C.A. Hut at 10.00 hours. Weather
fine and warm. JPC

26 Battalion Parade held at 9.00 hours. Nearly all men of the Unit again in Camp. Inter-
company baseball match in afternoon. Weather - fine and warm. JPC

27 Battalion Parade at 9.00 hours. Swimming competition held in afternoon. Weather - fair and
warm. JPC

28 Parade at 9.00 hours. Owing to delay in sailing for Canada, all ranks desiring leave granted
final leave till midnight, June 1st. Weather - fair and warm. JPC

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