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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.


38th Canadian Inf. Battalion. original

(Erase heading not required.)

Army Form. 2118.

Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

Canadian Embarkation Camp, LE HAVRE 1
Muster Parade on No.1 Parade Ground. Men put through DeLousing Plant, and Baths. JPC
Labour Day in France, and all ranks confined to camp. Extra picquets on duty to keep order.
Rainfall during most of the day, and clearing up in evening. JPC

2 Clothing Parade held at 9.30 hours. Town and Camp Picquets assumed by this Unit today.
Owing to congestion of the camp, thirty men placed in all huts today. Weather - fine. JPC

3 Muster Parade held at 9.30 hours in Aeroplane shed, close to the Camp. Clothing Parade
continued. Many entertainments in progress in Y.M.C.A. huts and theatre, for the
amusement of the men. Weather - fine. JPC

4 Voluntary Church Services held in the camp today. 192 men supplied for fatigues
during morning. Indoor Baseball game in afternoon between a team of Officers and the
Machine Gun Battalion won by the latter. JPC

S.S.St.Georges 5 Battalion fell in at 3.30 p.m. and moved off a few minutes later for the dock, and
embarked on the "S.S.St.George". Embarkation completed at 6.00 p.m. Sailed at 5.15 p.m.
Sea very calm and no one seasick. PJC

Southampton Bramshott 6 Ship anchored in Southampton Water at 2.00 a.m. and
Men received breakfast on the docks, and a meal
10.30 a.m. for Liphook. Battalion reached Bram
in "F" Wing, Canadian Corps Camp, with 85th Canadian
Highlanders. Weather - fine and warm. PJC

Bramshott 7 Battalion Parade at 845 a.m. Documentation of men commenced, and men paraded for
medical inspection. Weather - fine and warm. PJC

8 Men paraded for short boards, and documentation in progress. Weather - fine and warm. PJC

9 Documentation in progress, and men put through Quartermaster's stores. First party for
for leave dispatched today. Weather - fair and warm. PJC

10 Battalion parade at 9.00. More men sent on leave early this morning. Documentation in
progress and making good headqay. Weather - fine and warm. PJC

11 Church of England Service at 9.45 a.m. R.C.Service held in C.W.L. Hut at 10.00 hours.
Weather - fair and warm. PJC

12 Battalion Parade at 9.00 hours. Men for leave proceeded during the morning by special
train. Men to be examined by specialists were paraded. PJC

13 Parade at 8.45 hours. Leave now extended to all ranks till 21st instant.
Weather - fair and warm. PJC

14 Battalion Parade held at 8.45 hours. Men for Long Boards paraded today. Weather still
continues fine and warm. PJC

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