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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
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38th Canadian Inf. Battalion

Army Form C. 2118.

Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

Bourgeois, 11 Battalion Parade at 9.00 hours, formed up in close column of Companies. Concert given by
BELGIUM Y.M.C.A. in Salle Crap at 18.00 hours largely attended, and very much apppreciated. RSC
Weather - clear and cool.

12 Rain - Battalion Route March Cancelled. Battalion organized into five Companies;
Right Company now No.1, Left Company now No.2, Men from Infantry Units now form No.3 Company, RSC
other ranks from 4th Bn. C.M.G.C., Engineer Battalions, and such other units grouped
together and known as No.4 Company; Headquarters and Transport Section form No.5 Company.
Company Commanders as under;-
No.1 - Captain G. H. Burlam, MC
" 2 - Captain M. W. Williams, MC RSC
" 3 - Captain W. S. Wilson
" 4 - Captain F. H. Barnes, MC
" 5 - Lieut. H. E. Brownlee.

13 Church of England Service at 10.00 hours in SALLE CRAP. Roman Catholic Service held in RSC
Parish Church at Bourgeois at 9.30 hours.
Weather - clear and cold.

14 Companies bathed during morning, and Nos. 1, 2 and 5 Companies paid in afternoon. RSC
Weather - cloudy, windy and cold.

15 Battalion Route March in morning. Battalion Corporals' Club gave farewell dance at RSC
Salle Crap Estaminet in evening, prizes being given.
Weather - fair, with a few showers in afternoon. RSC

16 Muster Parade of the Five Companies, to check nominal rolls, as per dispersal area.
Weather cloudy, with rain in afternoon.

17 Battalion Parade at 9.00 hours in walking out dress. Battalion Claims Board formed with the RSC
following Officers as members, Major T. H. Warren, Captain I. P. Cooke, MC.
Lieut. R. G. H. W. MacCarthy, MM, and Belgian Interpreter J. Linthout.
The Battalion gave a farewell Dance in the paper factory near Genval in the evening. RSC
Very successful. Weather - fine and clear.

18 Battalion Parade at 9.00 hours. Practices held in preparation for Brigade Field Day RSC
Weather - fine and clear.

19 Companies at disposal of Company Commanders during the morning. Orders received that RSC
the Battalion will move on the 26th instant. Weather - fine and clear.

20 Easter Church Services:- Church of England in Salle Crap at 9.00 hours. Roman Catholic RSC
Service held in Parish Church at Genval at 11.00 hours. Weather - fine and clear.

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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