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Army Form C. 2118.
Sheet -2-
December 1918
38th Canadian Infantry Battalion
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices
GUOY Le PIETON 14 Battalion fell in at 7.30 a.m. and march to FLEURUS. Arrived at FLEURUS at 14.00 hours.
B.H.Q. located at 227 Rue de La Chaussee Charleroi. As Battalion was entering FLEURUS it KCC?
was inspected by General Sir H.S.Rawlinson, Bart., G.C.VV.O., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., commanding
Fourth Army. Rain.
FLEURUS 15 Roman Catholic Church Parade at 10.30 hours. Battalion Resting and cleaning up. KCC?
Orders received for march to be resumed on 16th to GRAND LEEZ. Weather fair and cold.
" 16 Battalion moved off at 07.45 hours passing Starting Point at 08.00. Arrived at GRAND LEES KCC?
at 14.00 hours. Rained during March. Orders received for continuation of march on 17th.
GRAND LEEZ 17 Left Grand Leez at 08.00 hours and arrived at LATHUY at 2.15 p.m. KCC?
LATHUY 18 Battalion Resting and Cleaning up.Battalion Colours arrived from England under charge of KCC?
Lieut. J.G.McGarrity, MM.
LATHUY & MELIN 19 "A" and "B" Companies removed to MELIN owing to lack of accomodation in LATHUY. "A" & "B"
Companies were designated Right Half Battalion and "C" and "D" Companies as Left Half Bn. KCC?
N.C.O.'s Class recommenced. Weather dull.
" 20 Battalion in Training. P.T., Drill and Educational Classes. Rain KCC?
" 21 Battalion in Training. P.T., Drill and Educational Classes. Fair. KCC?
" 22 R.C.Church Parade in village Churches at LATHUY and MELIN. Notification received that
410935 Pte. C.J.P.NUNNEY, 38th Canadian Inf.Battalion, had been awarded VICTORIA CROSS. KCC?
" 23 Battalion in Training. Educational Classes. Dull. KCC?
" 24 Battalion in Training. Preparations under way for Christmas festivities. KCC?
" 25 The usual Christmas Dinner and festivities were held in the school rooms at LATHUY and MELIN
Band was in attendance at LATHUY and rendered popular tunes. Special orchestra was provided
for Right Half Battalion at Melin. Sergeants Mess dinner at MELIN in evening, at which Band KCC?
was present. Weather damp and cold.
2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.
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