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Army Form C. 2118.
December 1918
38th Canadian Infantry Battalion
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices
CIPLY 1 R.C. Church Parade in St. Joseph's Church HYON at 09.00 hrs. Protestant Church Parade KCC?
held in School Grounds at B.H.Q. at 10.00 a.m. Weather Fair.
" 2. Battalion in Training. Sports in afternoon. Weather Fair. KCC?
" 3. Brigade Group Route marched through MONS. 38th Battalion congratulated by Brigadier on
creditable showing. KCC?
" 4. Battalion in Training. Weather Misty and dull. KCC?
" 5. Battalion in Training. Sports in afternoon. Weather dull and cold. KCC?
" 6 Battalion in Training. Educational Classes. Rain. KCC?
" 7 Battalion in Training. Educational Classes. Dull. KCC?
" 8 R.C. Church Parade at St.Joseph's Church at 09.00 hrs. Protestant Church Parade KCC?
held in School Grounds at B.H.Q. - 10.00 hours. Weather fair. KCC?
" 9 Battalion in Training. Educational Classes. Dull. KCC?
" 10 Orders received that march to Germany would be resumed on the 12th. Battalion in Training KCC?
and Education Classes.
" 11 Battalion making Preparations for march on the 12th. KCC?
" 12 Battalion fell in at 7.30 and moved off at 7.55 arriving at HOUDENG-GOEGNIES at 13.30 hours
B.H.Q. at 126 Rue de la Chaussee. Rained all through the march. Orders received for KCC?
further move on the 13th.
HOUDENG-GOEGNIES 13 Battalion left HOUDENG GOEGNIES passing Starting point at 9.08 a.m. arriving at GUOY le PIETON KCC?
(North) at 13.45 hours. Rained during march. Orders received to resume march on 14th.
2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.
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