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Army Form C. 2118.

Sheet -4-


November 1918

38th Canadian Infantry Battalion

Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and
references to

CIPLY 21 Weather dull and cold. Battalion in training. Fifty other ranks granted pass to MONS in KCC?
afternoon from 1330 hours to 2030 hours.

do 22 Weather fine. Battalion intraining. Sports in afternoon. Company Kitchen Competition KCC?
held resulting - "D" Company winners with 99 points, Transport Section second with 95 points.

do 23 Weather fair. Battalion in training. Fifty other ranks granted passes to MONS in afternoon. KCC?

do 24 Weather dull and cold. Roman Catholic Church Parade in St.Joseph's Church at 9.00 a.m.
Protestant Church Parade on Battalion Parade grounds at 10.00. Brigadier General J.H.MacBrien, KCC?
CMG.DSO. attended and organised the Society of the Holy Dame; pamphlets issued to men for

do 25 Weather dull - rain during afternoon. Bath parade to CIPLY Mines. KCC?

do 26 Weather fair. Battalion inspected by Sir David L. Watson, KCE, CMG, G.O.C. 4th Canadian KCC?
Division. Battalion allotted 125 seats in MONS Theatre to witness performance of H.S.S.
"Pinafore" by "Dumbells" Concert Party.

do 27 Weather fair. Battalion in training. B.H.Q. removed from No.1Rue de Faisseau to Schoolhouse
on Rue NEUVE, owing to lack of accomodation. Five Officers proceeded to BRUSSELS and WATERLOO. KCC?

do 28 Unsettled. Battalion in training. Sports in afternoon. KCC?

do 29 Weather fine. Inspection of Brigade by Sir David L.Watson, KCB, CMG, G.O.C. 4th Canadian
Division, and presentation of decoration ribbons. 38th Battalion judged winners of pride
of place wtih a total of 423 points - 85th Battalion coming second with 405 points. KCC?
One offcer and 33 Other Ranks granted passes to BRUSSELS and Field of WATERLOO.

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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