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Army Form C2118.

Sheet -2-

Original Onficential
November 1918

38th Canadian Inf. Battalion.

Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

Front line BHQ at X.25b.10.45. 4
No change in disposition. Battalion advanced to its objective - the sunken road in front
of the Brickfield at K.26.a.35.75. Heavy opposition from enemy Machine Guns and Artilery
was encountered. At 11.00 a.m. enemy planes flew over our lines, dropping bombs and firing
machine guns, for about fifteen minutes. At night Battalion was relieved by 85th Battalion KCC?
and moved in support at ST.SAULVE. Casualties Other Ranks - 22 wouded and 2 killed.
"B" Echelon moved from WAVERCHAIN-Sur-DENAIN to VALENCHIENNES. Weather fair.

ST. SAULVE. 5 Two companies moved forward in support of 85th Battalion at 10.00 a.m. Remainder of
Companies and Battalion Headquarters moved forward to ONNAING at 3.00 p.m. Casualties
one other Rank wounded. Weather dull. KCC?

ONNAING 6 Battalion in billets at ONNAING. Relieved in evening by 22nd Canadian Infantry Battalion
and marched to ANZIN, arriving at 6.30 p.m. B.H.Q. at 236 Rue de Conde, ANZIN.
Weather dull and raining. KCC?

ANZIN (98 Rue de Conde) 7 Battalion billeted in ANZIN. "B" Echelon moved from 23 Rue de MONS, VALENCIENNES, and
joined rest of Battalion at ANZIN. B.H.Q. at 98 Rue de Conde. Battalion resting and
reorganizing. Weather dull. KCC?

do 8 Battalion cleaning up. Pay Parade in afternoon. Weather dull. KCC?

do 9 Battalion cleaning up. Party of one Officer and fifty other ranks detailed as working KCC?
party on new rifle range. Weather fair.

do 10 Weather fair. Roman Catholic Church parade to church in VALENCIENNES at 10.00 a.m.
Protestant Church Parade on Battalion Parade Ground at 10.30. Sport in afternoon. KCC?
Concert in brewery in evening - free beer.

do 11 Morning fair, afternoon - raining. Battalion in training. News announced that hostilities
would cease at 11.00 a.m. this date - given out on C.O.'s parade and was received with very KCC?
little enthusiasm;

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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