Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
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Army Form C. 2118.
Sheet -1-
Original Confidential
November 1918
38th Canadian Infantry Battalion
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices
Front Line 1 Battalion in front line on west Bank of Canal D'ESCAUT. The Battalion commenced to cross KCC
Canal D'ESCAUT at E.14.b.00.60. at 11.45 a.m. Crossing completed at 12.40 - for attack
on VALENCIENNES. Considerable resistance encountered from enemy Machine Guns and Snipers,
and four posts were mopped.up. Battalion established for the night along railway and
touch was established with the 7?2nd Battalion on our left and 10th Canadian Infantry Brigade
on our right. Patrols were sent through the city at night and met with considerable
resistance from Machine Gun and Trench Mortar Fire. Casualties - One Officer wounded
(later died of wounds) - Lieut. E.T.Mennie, MC. Other Ranks - 7 wounded and 3 killed. Weather fine
do 2 Preparation being made for further attack on VALENCIENNES at 1am and companies moved forward
to Eastern Outskirts of city and established at E.10.a.35.30 to J.16.a.05.75. where a heavy
barrage was encountered. Some prisoners and materiel were taken although the greater part
had been evacuated during the previous evening. The Battalion dug in at E.10.a.35.30and
J.16.a.05.75 but about 6.00 p.m. orders were received that the Battalion would relieve the
102nd Battalion in front of ST.SAULVE from E. along sunken road to E.6.d.3.0. KCC
Difficulty was experienced in finding Battalion to be relieved, but "C" and "D" Companies
took up the line ordered, with "B" Company in Support and "A" Company in Reserve. B.H.Q.
At PLACE ST.GERY, VALENCIENNES. Casualties - Other Ranks - Wounded 13 and Missing 1. Weather fine
Front line 3 Morning spent in reorganization preparatory to attack in afternoon. At 2.30 p.m. with
B.H.Q. Companies in the same order, the Battalion went forward into attack. Only occasional
VALENCHIENNES opposition was met with and at dusk a line was taken up from K.26.c.05.10 to about K.26.d.6.0. KCC
Battalion Headquarters moved forward at night to White Chateau at X.25.b.10.45 on MOHS Road.
Orders were received for the Battalion to again attack at 6.00 a.m. on the 4th.
Casualties Other Ranks - 4 wounded and one missing. Weather dull.
2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.
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