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Army Form C2118.

Page 3

Original Confidential

October 191

38th Canadian Infantry Battalion

Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

MASTAING 22 Left Mastaing at 9.00 a.m. and marched to LOURCHES arriving at 11.00 a.m. Stopped for dinner.
Moved off again at 1.30 and marched to ROUVIGNIES, via DENAIN and WAVERCHAIN SUR DENAIN.
Battalion and "A" Echelon at ROUVIGNIES. "B" Echelon at WAVERCHAIN SUR DENAIN. Relieved 44th
Canaidans in support. "B" Company put outpost at PROUVY. Battalion accorded great reception
while passing through DENAIN. RBO'S

ROUVIGNIES 23 In support of 85th Battalion. Weather dull. Casualties - 5 O.R.'s wounded. RBO'S

do 24 In support of 85th Battalion. Very quiety day and night. Forces on our flanks advancing. RBO'S

do 25 In support of 85th Battalion. Lieut.-Colonel A.D.Cameron / (MC) took over command of the Battalion
Quiet all day. Barrage at 7.30 p.m. Weather dull. RBO'S

do 26 Preparations for taking over front line position from 85th Canadians. 51st Division attack
on our right. Fine. Casualties Officers - 1, Lieut. H.C.Crowell. RBO'S

do 27 Battalion relieved 85th Canadians in front line. Headquarters at LA SENTINELLE. RBO'S

Front Line 28 Battalion holding same position in front line as on 27th. Lord BROOKE, first Brigadier-
General of the 12th Canadian Infantry Brigade, paid a visit to Brigade. Weather dull.
Casualties - 2 O.R.'s wounded. RBO'S

do 29 Battalion holding same position in front line as on 28th. Ration train came under very heavy
shelling in La SENTINELLE. Lieut. R.H.Cochran and Corporal A. Newbold were both killed.
Casualties Officers - Killed - 1 Lieut. R.H.Cochran, One Officer wounded - Lieut. J.A.D.Elder.
1 O.R. killed, 4 O.R.'s wounded. All back areas heavily shelled with H.E.& Gas by Hun. RBO'S

do 30 Battalion holding same position in front line as on 29th. Lieut. R.H.Cochran and Cpl.Newbold
buried in Denain Cemetery This day set aside for decoration of graves of Canadians who
have been killed in action, by civilians in this area, Weather Fine. RBO'S

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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