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14. The 11th and 12th Brigade Columns should keep about 1000 yards
behind the 10th Brigade advance troops until the latter reach the

15. PATROLS. Patrols from "A" and "B" Companies will keep in touch.

16. CONTACT PLANES. Number 5 Squadron, R.A.F., will provide Contact
Planes to fly at the following hours:-
(a) Zero plus 2 hours to Zero plus 2 1/2 hours.
(b) Zero plus 4 1/4/ hours to Zero plus 5 hours.
(c) Zero plus 6 1/4 hours to Zero plus 7 hours.
(d) Zero plus 8 1/2 hours to Zero plus 9 hours, and thereafter
every 3 hours for 1/2 an hour.

Markings on Contact Planes is black band on middle of inside of
each bottom plane and black streamers in prolongation of the black

17. Time for leaving Assembly Positions has not yet been received
from Brigade but will be given to O.C's. Companies on reporting at
Assembly Area.

18. Zero Hour will be at 5.20 a.m. 27th September, 1918.


Issued at 9 p.m.
September 26th 1918, by Runner G.A. Rowlandson ? for Lieut. Col.,
Commdg. 38th Canadian Inf. Battalion.

Copy No. 1. Commanding Officer.
2. O.C. "A" Coy.
3. O.C. "B" "
4. O.C. "C" "
5. O.C. "D" "
6. 12th Canadian Inf. Bde.
7. Signal Officer.
8. Medical Officer.
9. Q.M. & T.O.
10. War Diary.
11. File.

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