COPY NO......
38th Canadian Infantry Battalion
Operation Order No. 50
Instructions No.3 September 26th, 1918.
1. The Battalion will move to assembly position of the 27th
September, 1918, by the route already marked on Battalion Maps. The
Assembly Position in south of the Wire in the HINDINBURGH SUPPORT in
D.5.d. and D.6.c., taking in part of SLIP TRENCH, SAFETY TRENCH, and
2. As they halt at the Assembly Position will be a short one it will
not be necessary for men to get into dugouts or in deep trenches.
They should lay out in shallow trenches, if available, so that they
may be easily moved to Jumping Off Positions, except in the event of
heavy shelling, when as much shelter as possible will be taken.
3. The Battalion will pass the Battalion Starting Point at 1.30 A.M.
"A" Company leading, followed by "B", "C", picking up "D" when passing
the Transport Lines, Headquarters in rear.
4. Two Scouts have been allotted to Companies and will reportto the
O.C. of same at 1.00 A.M. for the purpose of guiding Companies to
Assembly Area and also from Assembly Area through the Village and
over the Canal and QUARRY WOOD, after which they will rejoin Head-
quarters Company.
5. Battalion Starting Point -- Battalion Headquarters v.25.c.2.8.
6. The track to Assembly Area will be picketed by Brigade from
V.25.b.6.0. to D.4.d.5.6.
7. O.C's Companies will report to Battalion Headquarters as on
assembly being completed.
8. Battalion Head quarters, Assembly Area, D.6.c.45.45.
9. "K" Battery, No.3 Company, 4th Canadian Machine Gun Battalion,
will join "D" Company at the Assembly Area and will proceed with
that company from Jumping Off Position.
10. Routes from the Assembly Area through the Village of INCHY have
been marked on all maps, that on the right being used by "B" Company
followed by "C" Company; that on the left being used by "A" and "D"
Companies also Hd.Qrs.
11. On leaving Assembly Area, Battalion Headquarters will be with the
Reserve Company, ("D" Company), where all reports will be sent until
the RED OBJECTIVE is reached.
On reaching the RED OBJECTIVE and on "A", "B" and "C" Companies
clearing same, Battalion Headquarters will be approximately at E.4.d.
77.00. They will move forward again as the battle progresses to a
point in the Sunken Road at E.6.c.2.8.
12. O.C's Companies will pay particular attention to see that all men
are thoroughly equipped and are carrying bombs, etc. as laid down,
also will see that they have their proper rations and both water
bottles filled, warning the men not todrink until abolutely necessary.
13. "A" and "B" Companies will regulate their pace so as to
arrie at the RED LINE in time for Jump Off, vide Barrage Map, at
Zero, plus 176 minutes.
P. T. O.
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