38th Canadian Inf. Bn. Instructions No. 2. Page 2.
4. In continuation of para. 9 of Instructions No. 1. The Battalion will
assemble approximately in D.12.a. and D.6.c.
5. No definite information has yet been received of routes allotted to
Battalions previous to the crossing of the CANAL DU NORD.
6. Further particulars will be given as to how the Battalion will
advance through INCHY. As soon as it is clear of the Village of INCHY,
it will advance in Artillery formation in rear of the 10th Brigade. On
"A" and "B" Companies reaching approximately the line of the 80 Contour
in E.10.a, they will deploy and take up a position in the rear of the
RED OBJECTIVE in readiness to get in the trench preparatory to jumping
off for the second objective, (The GREEN LINE). "C" Company, (Support
Company), with the 3" Mortar Section, will be approximately 150 yards
in rear of the leaading Companies, ("A" and "B" Companies). Captain JOHNSON
will arrange for one each of his Platoons to cover the frontage of "A"
and "B" Coys. The Officers of these Platoons will keep in close touch
with the O.C's. of the leading Companies and immediately give their
assistance should they require it. The remaining Platoon of C" Co.
will still advance 150 yards in rear of "A" and "B" Companies and
also be ready to push forward and help either of the leading Companies.
"D" Company, in the advance to the RED LINE, will not advance further,
in the first instance, than E.10.a., but should be ready to move forward
to E.5.d. when ordered.
One 6" Newton Trench Mortar has been detailed for the 38th
Battalion and will push forward in rear of the Support Company and will
take up a position in rear of the GREEN LINE to cover our front.
Fighting Order, (Without Greatcoats).
RATIONS: Each man will carry:-
(a) 1 extra water bottle filled. (These water bottles will be
issued before proceeding to Concentration area, but not filled. Men
should be particularly warned to take care of them and have them filled
before proceeding tot he Assembly area.)
(b) 1 full days rations.
(c) Iron Rations.
S.A.A. 120 rounds per man.
Wire cutters, Rifle attachment, 10%.
S.O.S. Rockets - Each Officer 1 and an additional 2 per Company
No. 23 (Without Rods) 64.
No. 27 36.
No. 36 40.
No. 32, R.R.R. 5.
V.L.P., W.1", 20.
No. 32, G.G.G. 3.
Red Ground Flares, 20.
Discharger Cups, 6.
All Battle equipment, (not yet issued) will be issued and
distributed at the Concentration area.
Lieut. A.J.BALLINGER will go forward with "A" Echelon Transport
and will be responsible for the sending forward of ammunition and
supplies, on instructions of either the Battalion or the Brigade. Hem?
himself, will remain with the Transport but will try and arrange to
keep in touch with Battalion Battle Headquarters as far as possible,
either by Runner or Signal.
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