SECRET. 3. G - 20. 25
38th Canadian Infantry Battalion.
Instructions No. 2. Copy No...1.....
Reference Map - ? Map no. 7? September 23rd, 1918.
Reference 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion Operation
Order No. 47.
On the successful capture of the BLUE LINE, all troops
taking part in the Operations should be immediately ready to push forward
and exploit the success. The Brigade has sent the following instructions
and O.C's Companies will instruct all Officers and N.C.O's of the routes
to be taken and formations to be followed in the event of a further
advance. The advance of the 12th Brigade will be continued in a North
Easterly direction, taking in RAILLENCOURT, SAILLY, SANCOURT and BLECOURT.
The protective barrage will cease probably in about 15 to 20
minutes after the capture of the BLUE LINE. Should it be needed again it
will be called for by the S.O.S. rocket in the usual way.
The Heavy Guns will bombard the Villages of RAILLENCOURT and
SAILLY and the MARCOING LINE in Squares X.27.b. & d, X.28. & 29, and
F.4.a. & b. and F.5.a. & b. The bombardment of RAILLENCOURT will be for
1 1/2 hours and the MARCOING LINE and SAILLY for 2 hours. This will give
the 72nd Battalion its opportunity of entering RAILLENCOURT. Field Guns
will be available to cover this advance of the Infantry soon after the
capture of the BLUE LINE. The Artillery fire can be stopped by the
Infantry at any time by the use of the triple GREEN Rocket if it is
desired or it is considered possible to advance before the 1 1/2 hours or 2
hours of bombardment (which is mentioned above) has been completed.
Any troops gaining a footing on 75 Contour Hill (N.E. SAILLY)
or in the MARCOING LINE, should be reinforced at once.
The 85th Battalion will be ready to reinforce the 78th Bn.
or leapfrog it, and the 38th Bn. the 72nd. according to the situation
and progress made.
The Machine Gun Batteries will co-operate in this advance.
In case the enemy succeeds in holding up our advance at any
point the troops on the flanks must press on so as not to lose the
barrage and to gain a position on the flank of the point of resistance.
From the flank it should be possible in most situations to hlep ones
neighbours if need be.
In case of positions like BOURLON RIDGE, BOURLON WOOD, or
BOURLON VILLAGE, or parts of them continuing holding out, then the
Battalions on the flanks must advance to their objectives making a detour
if necessary. The Battalions going to the more distant objectives
should press on towards them if at all possible. The Battalions or
Companies which are being temporarily held up with deal with the
opposition assisted by their neighbours who are going to the same object-
Pockets of the enemy or points of resistance holding out
can often be encircled thus enabling troops going to more distant object-
ives to pass on. These points of resistance are reduced later with the
assistance of the 3" and 6" Mortars or by the Infantry and their weapons
It may be necessary for Battalion Commanders to use their
Reserves to cover their own flanks or to forma flank and to help troops
on the flanks to get forward.
In the event of a temporary hold up, Company Commanders of
Supporting Companies must take immediate action to help the Company which
is in trouble, either by reinforcing directly or attacking the opposition
from the flank.
3. New Boundaries between the 85th and 38th Battalions hae been
marked on Map. No. 1, also Dividing Line between "A" and "B" Companies.
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