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38th CANADIAN INF. BN. O.O.NO. 47. PAGE 2. 13

One Battery of No. 3 Company, 4th Canadian Machine Gun
Battalion will be attached to the Battalion for the Operations and will
remain in Battalion Reserve with the Reserve Company.

Six Batteries of Machine Guns will be used for Direct
Barage fire from the RED OBJECTIVE to cover the advance of the 11th and 12th
Brigades. The Battery allotted to the 38th Battalion will take up positions
for defence of the GREEN OBJECTIVE as soon as it has been captured.

One Section of the 12th Brigade L.T.Mortars, (?3 inch)
is attached to the Battalion for the Operations and wil go forward with
the Support Company, "C" Company) and will engage any targets that the
Forward Companies may call upon to be taken on.

11. The advance will be under the coer of a Rolling Shrapnel Barrage,
High Explosives being used through BOURLON VILLAGE and will move as follows from Zero hour:-
(i) Laid 200 yds. East of jumping off line and remain for 3 minutes.
(ii) Lifts at the rate of 100 yds, in 3 minutes to the Canal.
(iii) Stop just East of the Canal for 6 minutes.
(iv) Thence 100 yds. in 5 minutes to Sunken Road.
(v) Thence 100 yds. in 4 minutes to RED LINE.
(vi) Pause 45 minutes, during which Protective Barrage will be on
Trench just East of RED LINE.
(vii) Thence 100 yards in 4 minutes to BLUE OBJECTIVE, except through
Village of BOURLON, when it will lift at the rate of 100 yards in
5 minutes.
(viiii) A short pause will be made on GREEN LINE.
Barrage Maps have not yet been issued and only one is expected
for the Battalion. As soon as it arrives, Company Commanders will be shown
the Map to take notes from.

12. Assembly positions prior to Zero Day and hour, Formations and Routes
to RED LINE, will be notified later.

(a) Location of Battalion and Brigade Headquarters will be issued later.
(b) VISUAL. From approximtely D.5.Central to E.4 and E.17.
(c) Battalion Headquarters will be marked by a flag with the Battalion
Battle Patch on a white background by day and a lamp at night, with
Battalion Battle Patch on face of lamp glass.

Nature of above will be communicated by separate slip to O.C's.
Companies and will be communicated verbally to all troops in attack.

15. Instructions as to battle equipment to be carried, issue of "Fire?un?s.
" and initial supply of ammunition during attack, will be issued

16. All ranks will be warned in reference to Booby Traps. Papers which
have been issued to Companies giving the nature of some of the Traps known,
to be used by the enemy, should be explained to every man taking part in
the attack.

17. An Intelligence file will be issued to Companies containing Maps,
Aeroplane Photos, Mosaics, and detailed information with regard to CANAL
DU NORD, BOURLON WOOD and General Information.

Issued by Runner at 1.00
September 20th, 1918. Lieut. Col.,
Commdg. 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion.

Copy No. 1. Commanding Officer.
2. O.C. "A" Coy.
3. O.C. "B" "
4. O.C. "C" "
5. O.C. "D" "
6. O.C. Machine Guns, No. 3 Company)
7. O.C. Section of L.T.Mortars.
8. Second in Command.


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