4. (Continued).
The Battalion was forced up in four waves of two lines each, "A"
and "B" Company leading waves, with instructions to attack the DROCOURT
-QUEANT LINE in P.26.c. and d. and also the hird line in P.27.c.2.2.
to P.27.c.00.?0. "C" and "D" Company in Support were to leapfrog at
this point unless required for earlier support and to capture the line
of trenches running through P.37.Central, advancing to their final
objective in the SUNKEN ROAD, P.28.c., which runs from VILLERS to DURY.
On Battalion takingtheir objectives all four Companies were to at once
reorganize and be prepared to follow th 78th Battalion and in turn
leapfrog the 78th Battalion. In this instance, "C" and "D" Company
were to lead with "A" and "B" Company in rear, Battalion Headquarters
to move forward from their Battle Headquarters in O.29.b.40.30 about
Zero plus 90 minutes, first to the vicinity of P.26.d.Central and then
to the vicinity of P.27.c.80.30.
At 7.45 a.m. Battalion Headquarters was established in P.27.?
At Zero plus 3 minutes, following the barrage closely, the Battal-
ion advanced in extended lines. No serious opposition was encountered
except at about P.25.d.10.30, where a machine gun nest was overcome
and 1 Officer and about 60 other ranks taken prisoner. The advance,
however, was not hampered and the first obojective, which was the
DROCOURT-QUEANT LINE in P.26.c. and d. and P.27.c., was taken on
time and the garrisons of the various trenche either killed or taken
prisoner. At this juncture, the 10th Brigade had lost their direction
and members of their right Battalion half way across our Battalion
Front. This led to slight confusion, however, their officers managed
to change the direction of their en and got them back to their own
positions. The Tanks did not arrive until the Battalion had practically
passed through all the wire, thus much value of their services was
lost. Rifle Grenades were used freely on strong points and machine gun
nests in this system of trenches. When the two second Companies leap-
froged, "A" and "B" Company immediately began to reorganize in order
to press forward, which they did, expecting to advance again at Zero
plus 3 hours. "C" and "D" Company immediately began to reorganize in order
to press forward, which they did, expecting to advance again at Zero
plus 3 hours. "C" and "D" Company after leapfrogging, came under very
heavy machine gun fire and scattered artillery shelling in the Valley
of P.27.c.Central. They, however, took their first objective, being
the last drocourt line, and pushed forward. On arriving at the Crest
of the Hill in P.27.d.Central, the machine gun fire from the Village o
DURY, the WINDMILL on the left, from various Posts in front, and from
the WOODS of VILLERS CHATEAU on the right, and the Factory in P.34.d.
caused very heavy casualties. "C" and "D" Companies were in advance
of all other Units and as the Battalion on the right was apparently
held up, "C" Company extended to their right almost to CAMBRAI ROAD
P.33.d.60.30 to P.28.c.20.60. At this period, machine guns were pour-
ing a deadly fire over the entire Ridge and with the exception of an
absolutely straight trench running along the Grid Line between
P.27.d. and P.33.b. no protection was available and a great many
Casualties caused. However, the SUNKEN ROAD in P.28.c.20.00 to 50.70
was entered after the garrision of the machine guns and Trench Mortars
who were defending it had been disposed of. However, Heavy Trench
Mortar fire prevented the continued occupation of this ROAD and our
Companies took positions in shell holes and what other protection
could be taken just in rear. The 73rd Battalion and 11th Brigade
Units arrived on time, but owing to the enemy machine gun and
Artillery fire, were unable to advance at Zero plus 3 hours.
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