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1. M?

September 9th 1918


1. 30th AUGUST.
The Battalion was loosted in trenches and shelters on the South
ank of the SCARPE RIVER, East of F?UCHY. A Commanding Officers' Con-
ference was held at Brigade Headquarters and orders were issued that
the Brigade would relieve the 3rd Brigade in the trenches South of
VIS-EN-ARTOIS this evening. This order, however, was cancelled later
in the afternoon as the 3rd Brigade was putting on a minor operation.

2. 31st AUGUST.
Orders were again issued for relief this evening, but there was
a delay in sending out Advance Parties owing to uncertainty of events
in teh 3rd Brigade area. At 5 p.m. Advance Parties were sent forward,
arriving at 3rd Brigade Headquarters at 5 pm. Guides took the
parties forward and arrangements were made for relief. The Brigade
moved from their area South of the SCARPE at 2?.30 p.m. Great delay
was experienced owing to traffic congestion and relief of the 8th
Battalion by the 38th Battalion proved a very unsatisfactory one owing
to a misunderstanding regarding guides, who were not sent to meet
incoming Compnaies. The Battalion had taken over positions allotted by
3.30 a.m. the morning of the 1st September, with "B" Company in the
front line, (OSTRICH TRENCH), in C.??.d., with Outposts pushed forward
in Support, "C" and "D" Companies in Reserve.

Much movement was noticed in our front during the day,
especially in Sunnken Roads in P.25.d. and P.31.d. and in the neigh-
bourhood of the HENDECOURT-DURY ROAD, also enemy artillery was active
on our front and support trenches and in the nightbourhood of Battalion
Headquarters in O.98.b.30.80, where about 15 casualties were caused.
Early in the afternoon the was?ing of enemy troops in his forward area
suggested an attack, and about 6.30 p.m. a general forward movement
of the enemy had developed. Fearing that our Advanced Posts, which
consisted of two Platoons, would be overrun, LIEUTENANT J.D.ADAMS pushed
forward with the consining two Platoons o "B" Company and reinforced
our Outpost Position, which consisted of a series of shell holes North
and South from O.30.d.10.00 to 0.30.d.40.70, connecting with 72nd Bn.
on right and 35th Bn. on left. As apparently the enemy's intention was
a flanking movement to out off our Outposts, an S.O.S. Signal was sent
up which was promptly and effectively responded to by our Artillery.
A short encounter followed in which the enemy was driven back, leaving
two machine guns, and one prisoner in our hands. Our casualties were
one Officer, LIEUTENANT J.D.ADAMS wounded, (Since Died of Wounds), and
2 other ranks wounded. Balance of night was fairly quiet, with the
exc ption of a certain amount of shell fire.

The conduct and actions of CAPTAIN M.M.HALKETT, Medical
Officer, who carried on his duties under heavy shell fire, clearing
members of all Units in the front line during this day, and also the
work of PRIVATE C.J.P.NUNNY, during the enemy attack, by visiting our
Outposts, giving confidence to our men, are worthy of note.

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