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WAR DIARY Army Form C. 2118

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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

In the Field Sept. 27 held at Battalion Hd. Qrs.
held at Battalion Hd. Qrd.
The attack opened with a barrage playing on the CANAL DU NORD at 5.20 A.M. The Battalion
moved forward toward the 10th Brigade objective from which it was to open its attack, passing
through the ruined village of INCHY by two routes. The canal was crossed at approximately
6.00 A.M. "A" and "B" Company leading with "C" in support and "D" Company in reserve. On
arrival at the MARQUIOING LINE short halts were made for the barrage to lift. The Battalion
then moved forward tot he attack through heavy enemy shell fire. Bn. Hd. Qrs. were established
in captured M.G. positions. "A" and "B" Companies steadily moved forward followed by "C", and
at about 11.00 A.M, the objective (the Railway running N.W. from BOULON) was established. A
personal reconnaissance by Col.Gardner and Lieut.Trendell developed the fact that the left
flank was in the air owing to the late arrival of 1st Canadian Division on left. "D" Company
was at once moed up by the C.O. and touch established. at 12.30 P.M. liason showed 38th
and 85th Battalions on their objectives. No. 3? platoon of "A" Company held up on its advance
by a M.G.Post surrounded it and captured it. It was found to be covering the withdrawal of
a battery of 5.9 Hows. These were taken together with 1 Officer and 15 men. On arrival at
the objective reorganization and consolidation immediately took place. Officer casualties
to this point consisted of CaptainsL.F.Goodwin, MC., A.G.Starkings, dead and Lieut. S.Knapp,
MM, wounded. Lieut. T.H.Barnes was wounded but remained at duty. The dead of the Battalion
were identified in the afternoon. Bn. Hd. Qrs. were established at E.6.a.20.40 in an old
quarry. Orders were received at 11.00 P.M. that the Battalion would move forward in the
morning in support of 10th Brigade.

Battalion moved forward at 6.30 A.M., "C" and "D" Companies in front with "A" and "B" Companies
following at 500 yards distance. The ARRAS-CAMBRAI Road was reached without casualties.
Several batteries of field guns were passed by. Positions were taken up in the MARCOING
LINE in X.29 and X.23 with B.H.Q. at x.21.d.90.10. The 10th Brigade was still engaged
and the forward situation was obscure. Later it was foind by personal reconnaissance of
Lieut.Barnes that the 10th Bde. was holding in front of DOUAI-CAMBRAI ROAD. While
standing in front of Hd.Qrs. observing forward operations, Lieut-Col. Gardner was wounded
by a shell. The Battalion was very heavily shelled all afternoon and had about 15
casualties, including 2 Officers, i.e. Lieut-Col. S.D.Gardner and Lieut. R.C.Gaisford.
Captain W.Vernon, M.C., temporarily assumed command of the Battalion and attended converence
of C.O's, at which it was decided that the Battalion would attack on the morning of the
29th. Its object would be to carry out the second phase as laid down in the plan of the
attack. At 8.00 P.M., Major F.A.Rowlandson took command of the Battalion and Captain

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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