Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.
WAR DIARY Army Form C. 2118
(Erase heading not required.)
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices
In the Field. Sept. 17 Battalion training. Weather fine and warm. MAR.
18 Battalion training. Weather showery. Thirty-five other ranks reinforcements joined Bn. MAR.
19. Battalion training. Lecture in afternoon to all Officers and N.C.O's by Officer Commanding
2nd Tank Battalion. Nine other ranks reinforcements joined Battalion. Weather showery. MAR.
20 Battalion training under copany arrangements. Weather showery. MAR.
21 Battalion on tactical scheme in morning. Four oOfficers and 42 other ranks received as
reinforcements. Weather showery. MAR.
22 Battalion church parade in morning. Weather showery. MAR.
23 Battalion training in morning. Route march in afternoon. Weather showery. MAR.
24 Battalion at baths in morning and training in afternoon. Weather fine. MAR.
25 Battalion moved from Billets in WAILLY to entrain at ARRAS for BULLECOURT. While waiting
for the train at ARRAS station a hostile plane dropped a bomb in the area occupied by the
12th Brigade, causing many casualties, although there were none in the 38th. Weather fine. MAR.
26 The Battalion detrained at BULLECOURT and marched about 3 kilos. to an area just N.W. of
QUEANT. In the afternoon the assembly positions were reconnoitred by the Commanding
Officer and O.C's Companies. Munitions were distributed in preparations for battle made.
The Battalion moved to its assembly position in SLIP TRENCH west of INCHY in D.6.c.20.43.
The following Officers accompanied the Battalion:-
Lieut-Colonel S.D. Gardner, CMG, MC., Commanding Officer.
Captain W. Vernon, M.C. Adjutant
Lieutenant T.H?Barnes Intelligence Officer
" J.A.D. Elder Signalling Officer
" P.C. Trendell, Scout Officer
" I.P. Cooke, Asst. Adjutant
Captain A.G. Starkings Captain L.F. Goodwin, MC. Captain A. Johnson Lieut. A.W. Anderson
Lieut. W.M. Matthews Lieut. R.C. Gaisford Lieut. G.H. Burland, MC " J.K. Finlayson
" L.J. Scott " R.H. Cochran " G.O. Kemp " A.J. Easterbook
" L.A.S. Allen " R.W. Vietch " S. Knapp, MM. " S.L.T. Harrison
Attached Officers - Captain F.N.K. Falls, Medical Officer
" W.H. Pratt. MAR.
27 The Battalion was in place at 2.40 A.M. when a final conference of Company Commanders was
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