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Battalions in Support. Zero Hour was arranged for 10.15 a.m., and
proceeded by Tanks, the leading Battalions moved off followed by the
Support Battalions at about 800 yards distance. The advance
through ROSIERES on SANTERRE was carried otu without incident, but
on emerging on the East of this Village, we came under machine gun
fire and light artillery fire. The 85th Battalion suffered consid-
erably from the cause, and upon arrival at the MEHARICOURT-LIHONS
ROAD had lost both their acting Battalion Commander and acting
Second in Command of the Battalion. Owing to the fact that the
Australians who were expected to go forward through the Village of
LIHONS and carry on the attack North of the AMIENS-NESLE RAILROAD
not coming forward, our left lfank was entirely in the air to a
position occupied by the enemy with large numbers of machine guns
and the 85th Battalion changed their direction to North East in
order to take on these enemy guns. Owing to this unforeseen circum-
stance and realizing that in all probability the 85th would not
be able to proceed to their objective, we decided to to push the
38th through at once to the objective of the 85th Battalion, and if
possible forward to our own objective. This latter proved imposs-
ible owing to the increased fire being brought in enfilade from the
left and great difficulty was experienced after passing the MEHARI-
COURT - LIHONS ROAD owing to the presence of large quantities of
old wire in good condition and a network of trenches which not only
retarded progress, but made proper control of formations very
difficult, and at the end of the afternoon our front lay behind the
CHILLY-LIHONS ROAD and we were subjected to enemy fire of artill-
ery and machine guns both from our front and left flank, and in
addition two shoots by our own light artillery harrassed us from
the rear. Being informed that the two right Battalions had gained
their objectives and fearing their left flank would be in the air,
orders were issued to the various Companies of the 38th to reorganize
as quickly as possible and continue to push forward until we could
connect up on our right flank with the 78th or 72nd Battalion, and
also form a continuous line from HALLU to the AMIENS-NESLE
RAILROAD. Owing to severe Officer casualties this proved difficult
indeed. However, during the night of the 10/11th, "A" and "B"
Companies had connected up with the 78th Battalion in front of
HALLU, with "D" Company forming posts in the centre of our position
and "C" Company on the CHILLY-LIHONS ROAD. This was the situation
at 6.00 a.m. on the morning of the 11th, the 85th Battalion having
taken positions in Support with one Company forward in close Support.

About 8.30 a.m. on the 11th the enemy placed a heavy
concentration of artillery on our right Companies, "A" and "B",
and on the forward Companies of the 78th Battalion, and about
9 o'clock made an attack from the East and North-East. "A" and "B"
Companies withstood this attack gallantly but suffered many casualties, expecially from their left flank where the enemy worked
in behind them. After repelling this attack orders were received
that the forward Companies would be withdrawn a short distance to
improve and straighten our line. Our Companies, however, held
their positions until later in the afternoon, and orders were
issued that evening for "A" and "B" Companies to withdraw to the

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