[marginalia]REF. MAP 51-B. N.W.
COPY NO........3
1. The 38th Canadian Inf. Battalion will relieve the 4th Canadian
Inf. Bn. on a frontage approximately H.?.a.9.1 to H.11.c.8.? on
the night of the 19th/20th July, 1918.
2. DISPOSITION. Disposition of Companies as already detailed.
3. Companies will march by Platoons at 50 yards interval with a
10 minute interval between Companies, in the following order:-
"C" - "B" - "H.Q." - "A" - "D" Coy. "C" Company to clear ECURIE
CAMP at 8.15 p.m.
4. LINE OF MARCH: ARRAS-BETHUNE ROAD to "A" track at G.6.c?95.45 -
thencovis? "A" Track along a route selected by the guides of the 4th
Canadian Inf. Bn.
5. GUIDES: Guides of the 4th Canadian Inf. Bn. at the rate of 1
per Company and 1 for Bn. Hdqrs. will rendezvous at the junction of
the ARRAS-BETHUNE ROAD and "A" Track at 9 p.m. At a rendezvous
further forward the 4th Canadian Inf. Bn. will furnish guides at
the rate of 1 per Platoon, 1 per Company Hdqrs, and 2 for Bn. Hdqrs.
Guides for each Company will be in charge of an Officer.
6. No movement to take place East of the junction of the LENS-ARRAS
ROAD and "A" Tr?ck, in C.3.d. before 9.30 p.m.
7. MEDICAL ARRANGEMENTS: R.A.P. is located near the Junction of
8. RATIONS: Ration limbers will move forward in the rear of "C"
and "A" Companies. Each Company will detail a ration party who will
pick up the rations at a rendezvous on the line of march forward.
"B" Company rations will be on the first limber and "D" Coy.
rations on the second limber. It is expected that rations will
come up by Light Railway to EFFIE DUMP, H.8.a.9.4, on the night of
the 20th/21st. Companies will be responsible for their own ration
9. WATER: The Support Companies will be responsible for carrying
forward water to opposite Companies in the front line.
10. TRENCH STORES: Statement of Trench Stores and Reserve rations
taken over to be forwarded to Bn. Orderly Room by 6 a.m. 29th inst.
11. DISPOSITION REPORT: Disposition report to be handed into Bn.
OrderlyRoom by 6 a.m. 29th inst.
12. LEWIS GUNS: Lewis guns will be loaded on limbers under Company
arrangements and will be carried forward to the same rendezvous as
the rations.
13. Mess equipment, Orderly Room supplies, Medical Officer's and
Signalling equipmet for the line to be loaded on limber at Bn.
Hdqrs. at 7 p.m.
14. PACKS: Mens' packs will be piled outside Company Hdqrs.
ready for loading at 2 p.m.
15. Officers' kits to be piled at Company Hdqrs. ready for loading
at 4 p.m.
P. T. O.
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