Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
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Army Form C. 2118.
Page 6
38th Canadians War Diary Confidential
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices
Div. Reserve July 27 Weather still showery.
Extracts from A. F. B. 313 showing effective strength, attached, details and ration strengt
Date of B. 213 Effective Strength. Atta hed. Details. Ration Strength.
July 6 Officers O.R. Officers O.R. Off. OR Off. OR Officers OR
45 1020 2 20 6 74 41 966.
July 13th. 45 1016 3 14 6 90 42 940.
July 20th. 44 1017 3 18 6 82 43 953.
July 27th. 46 1003 3 17 6 91 43 929.
The ration strength is found by adding together the effective strength and the attached
Strength and subtracting the Details. RBO'S
do do 28 Our Intelligence summary covering period in the line from July 20th to 25th. shows
Our artillery very active during daylight hours and carrying on harrassing fire during the night.
Active patrolling of enemy's front line system during fine weather. Few targets for snipers but
two hits recorded. Enemy artillery active day and night on our front and rear lines. Especially
heavy firing during the nights following the gas beam and also the gas projector attacks. Enemy
planes tried often to cross our line but in nearly every case were engaged by A.A. fire and
Lewis guns and driven back, the fire of our Lewis guns being exceptionally effective.
Extract from Battalion Intelligence Report on our gas atta k: "The gas beam projected on
trenches opposite our front on night of 21/22 did not appear to have near the same effect as
the gas projector attack on the night of the 24/25. In the latter case many stretcher bearer
parties were observed working during the day pointing to quite a few casualties from the
projectors but none were observed the day following the gas beam." RBO'S
do do 29 Units of 3rd Division moving out today. Battalion surplus baggage being stored todayi
in preparation for reported impending move. One enemy aeroplane over transport lines about
10 p.m. and dropped bomb near Brigade rear H.Q opposite Transport Lines.. Weather fine
and warm. RBO'S
do do 30 Battalion has been supplying various working parties while in Divisional Reserve. Weather
today fine and warm, but hazy. RBO'S
do do 31 Although very hazy today many of our machines up. Some shelling of back areas in vicinity of
transport lines during the night. RBO'S
C.M. Edwards Lieut Colonel
38th Can. Infantry Battalion
2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.
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