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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
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Army Form C. 2118.

Page 5


38th Canadians

War Diary Confidential

Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

Todays casualties included: Killed 246469 Col. Woolnough W.T.; 726136 to Angiers P.H.
Wounded No 633935 Pte Jardine A.M.: 270327 Pte Caudle P.W. . Protectie patrol of I officer
and 6 O.R. worked on company frontage from I to I.45 p.m. No enemy activity observed. Enemy
artillery very active through the night. Transport lines moved from ECOUIVRE? to WAVERLEY CAMP. RBO'S

do do 22 Normal conditions prevailed on Battalion frontage. One casualty, No 177169 Pte HOBBS S.
killed by gas. RBO'S

do do 23 Normal conditions on Battalion frontage. Heavy rains throughout day and evening. RBO'S

do do 24 Conditions fairly normal. In rear area enemy aircraft active, one of our balloons being brought
down in flames. Considerable enemy shelling in vicinity of St Catharines, Madagascar Corner and
Anzin in evening and through the night. Part II Orders No 63, dated 20//18 containes the following
under "Honors and Awards: "Lieut Gardner P.H. awarded the Military Cross for Conspicuous gallantry
and devotion to duty in the Field." A_th., Supplement to London Gazette No. 30761, dated 22/6/18.
Weather fine and cool. Gas projected against enemys line on ARLEUX LOOP? NORTH and B.5.a.
on night 23/24. RBO'S

do do 25 Our artillery kept up usual harassing fire. Enemy artillery actie. Gas projected into
enemy's lines at midnight 23/24. In accordance with Operation Order No 35 Battalion was relieved
at night by the 78th Battalion, the 38th Battalion proceeding to Divisional Reserve at
STERLING CAMP. Enemy long-range gun damaged observation balloon near transport lines and it
descended, observers jumping from basket in their parachutes. No 10421625 Pte CARTER W. of reserve
company wounded by overhead shrapnel. In morning enemy strafed area just east of WAVERLEY CAMP.
Weather cloudy, with frequent showers. RBO'S

do do 26 Severe enemy bombardment in vicinity of camp and working parties cancelled. Weather RBO'S
very showery

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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