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Army Form C. 2118.
Page 3
38th Canadians War Diary Condifential
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices
Lozinghem July 11 In accordence with Operation Order No 33 Bat
ECURIE WOOD CAMP Map location A.21c., Sheet
to MAROBUIL. Tranport lines at ECOIVRES Batta
billets through frequent showers, passing starti
arriving ECURIE WOOD Camp at 2.30 p.m. . Weather
shelling in vicinity in evening. RBO'S
E URIE WOOD do 12 Battalion in billets at ECURIE WOOD Camp. No training carried out. Officers reconnoitred
forward area. Weather cloudy with frequent heavy showers. RBO'S
do do 13
Battalion furnished working party of 400 for trench digging at BRUNNENAUT FARM. Gas
drill carried on in Camp. In evening enemy shells dropped close to camp, the target apparently
being the near-by balloon which was descending. Weather fine and cool. RBO'S
do do 14 Church parade in the morning. Gas training in the afternoon. Enemy shelled immediate
vicinity of the Camp in the evening and again through the night. During night period of
shelling C. O. ordered all ranks to vacate huts and take cover in threnches to right or left
of Camp. One man of Balloon Section buried in his shelter in evening bombardment, life
being extinct when body was recovered. One dud landed in the Camp. Weather cloudy, rain
afternoon and through the night. RBO'S
do do 15 Battalion furnished 400 men and 4 officers for working party. Balance of Battalion carried
on training. Few shells fell in vicinity about 2 a.m. Weather very hot through the day.
Heavy rain storm during night. RBO'S
do do 16 Battalion carried on training according to syllabus. Officers and men sleeping under
bivouacs or tents owing to enemy shelling, although night proved to be fairly quiet. RBO'S
2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.
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