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Army Form C. 2118.
Page I
38th Canadians
Original Confidential
War Diary July 1918
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices
250 Officers and other ranks proceeded to Corps Sports at TINCQUES. All report a splendid
day. Being Dominion Day no training carried out. Weather very warm. RBO'S
do do 2 Brigade being inspected by Corps Commander at FERFAY. Battalion proceeded under command of
Lt. Col. H.S. Sparling D.S.O. passing starting point at 6 a.m. . Indoor baseball between
platoons played in the afternoon. Weather hot. RBO'S
do do 3 Battalion proceeded by Companies to baths at AUCHEL in morning. Weather bright and warm. RBO'S
do do 4 Training carried out by companies in the morning. Scout Section took part in Brigade
eliminations at AERODROME HILL for contests being held among all Scout Sections of the Canadian
Corps. Weather very warm. RBO'S
do do 5 Battalion training in morning. In the evening the Bugle Band paraded in kilts borrowed from t
the 85th Battalion. Many of the men out on the street to see them. Draft of ten OR arrived
in evening- the first reinforcements to join the Battalion under the M.S.A. Inter-Bn.
football match between A. and B. Coys. Score A Coy 3, B Coy 0. Weather fine and warm. During
night onsiderable serial activity by enemy, bombs being dropped in vicinity of MARLES LE MINES.
and ALLOUANGE. None dropped in immediate vicinity of Lozinghem. RBO'S
do do 6 Battalion proceeded on route march in the morning LOZINGHEM TO MARLES LE MIN to AUCHEL and
in, returning before noon. Final football championship for Battalion played off
between A Coy and C Coy resulting in a win for A Coy after a very exciting game. Score 2 to I
Lieut F. J. Burke rejoined from C C R. C Weather fine and warm.
Following is the personnel of the winning team in the various sporting events held
at LOZINGHEM: Headquarters Company won Brigade championship in massed football and Battalion
won Brigade chapionship in volley ball and Officers indoor baseball. RBO'S
2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.
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