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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

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Army Form C. 2118.


Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

VALHUON May 16th Two hours of smartening up drill. Remainder of day given over to sports. R.F.P.

17th Battalion took part in manouvers of 12th Canadian Infantry Brigade, marching from billets at
6.30 a.m. to MARQUAY and BAILLEUL. An attack was practiced in cooperation with remaining
Battalions of the Brigade, object of scheme being intstruction in open warfare. Operations R.F.P.
completed by 2.30 p.m. First Line Transport accompanied the Battalion.

MONCHY-BRETON 18 Battalion moved this afternoon to MONCHY-BRETON, exchanging billets with
Infantry Battalion. Billet accomodation very good. Lieut. G.H. BURLAN awarded the MILITARY
CROSS for devoted leadership in raid carried out by the Battalion on enemy trenches in R.F.P.
ARLEUX Sector, on April 26th 1918, and No.410559 Pte. J.F. McNabb was awarded the MILITARY
MEDAL for good work on same enterprise. R.F.P.

19 Divine Service at 10.00 a.m. Afternoon devoted to sport. R.F.P.

20th Two companies on ranges, and two companies employed on attack and defense tactics, with
specialist training for signallers, scouts and bombers. Officers employed in reconnoitring R.F.P.
in afternoon.

21st Battalion took part today, along with other units of the Brigade, in tactical work, opposing
the advance of certain corps troops, who assumed the part of the
this operation, Battalion marched to BAILLEUL at 7.00 a.m., and moved forward to hold the
line from MONCHY-BRETON to HERLIN LE VERTE. A feature of the training was the employment of
a mobile force by each Battalion consisting of two sections of Lewis Guns mounted on horses
and bicycles, with two lightly equipped platoons. The day proved decidedly valuable from an R.F.P.
instructional viewpoint, and was followed by a conference of Officers taking part, conducted
by the Corps Commander. R.F.P.

22nd Battalion bathed at MAGNICOURT. Musketry work remainder of day.

23 & 24th Tactical work by platoons and companies, with two hours each forenoon of Physical Training,
Bayonet Fighting and Musketry. Baseball and football leagues have been formed, games being R.F.P.
played each afternoon.

Lozinghem 25th Battalion moved today to AUCHEL area, taking over billets in LOZINGHEM, the latter place
being reached at 3.00 p.m., by route march, starting from MUNCHY-BRETON at 7.00 a.m. R.F.P.
In this area, the Brigade is to hold the LILLERS-HOUCHIN line, in the event of an attack on
the HINGES front. R.F.P.

26th Divine Service at 9.00 a.m., Companies training remainder of forenoon, with sports in
afternoon R.F.P.
Lieut. E.T. MENNIE awarded the MILITARY CROSS for conspicuous good work in raid on ARLEUX R.F.P.

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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