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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
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Army Form C. 2118.

Page 8

38th Canadians

Original Confidential
War Diary Month April 1918

Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

One Officer and 20 OR., reinforcement, reported in the fore-
noon. Huns put on a bombardment about 8 pm, which
lasted about fifteen minutes & apparently on a wide front,
but none of our S.O.S. signals were observed. This oc-
curred some distance south of the Batt. area. Planes were
busy after 7 pm.
Weather. Flurries of snow and intermingled with hail
occured in the BERTHONVAL AREA throughout the day, with
a cold wind. Sky clear after 7 pm. Very cold at 10 pm RBO'S

do 20 Disposition Report (Forward Companies)
Advanced Battalion Headquarters B.14.a.60.20
"A" Company Thelus Caves. A.6.c.80.90
"B" Co. Headquarters & 2 Platoons. SPUR POST. B.14.a.60.20
2 Platoons "C" Company. SPUR POST B.14.a.60.20
Hun planes bombed vicinity of Transport Lines at
ROSS CAMP about 2.30 am. No casualties.
Weather:- Fair, with good visibility but cold, especially
in early morning, ice forming in water receptacles under tents. RBO'S

do 21 Batt. preparing to move forward again. Two of Bands-
men forming carrying party, reported killed dies or wounded.
Comparatively quiet day and night.
Weather:- Cold in morning. Low visibility.

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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