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Army Form C. 2118.
Page 7
38th Canadians
Original Confidential
War Diary Month April 1918
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices
Front Line OPPY SECTION April 16
Mr. Bissell and fifty O.R. sent out for schooling. Men
were paid before leaving Transport Lines. There was
considerable scattered shelling by Hostile Artillery. Rain
in forenoon but visibility fair. Day generally quiet. RBO'S
Divisional Reserve 17 Disposition Report. (Forward Companies).
Advanced Battalion H.Q. B.14.a.60.20
"A" Co. H.Q. A.6.a.80.90
"D" Co. H.Q. B.14.a.60.20
As per Oper. Order no 21. Reference map MAROEUIL 1/20.000
The 38th Can. Inf Batt. was relieved in the right sub-section
by the 85th Can. Inf. Batt. on the night 16/17th April and took
over the dispositions of the 85th Can. Inf Bn. in Divisional
Reserve. "B" and "C" Companies were billetted in
HANSON CAMP and rear Batt. H.Q. at HILL CAMP.
Transport Lines were paid in forenoon at ROSS CAMP and
"B", "C" companies and rear Batt. H.Q. in the afternoon at
their respective Camps. Intermittent shelling during the day.
Weather. Windy and Cloudy. RBO'S
Divisional Reserve 18 "D" Co and forward Batt. H.Q. paid in forenoon at Spur Post,
and "A" Co. at THELUS CAVES. The men being paraded for
pay by sections. Weather:- Occasional showers & dull. RBO'S
2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.
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