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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
Summaries are contained in F.S. Regs. Part II.
and the Staff Manual respectively. Title Pages
will be prepared in manuscript.

(Erase heading not required.)

Army Form C. 2118.

Page 4

38th Canadians

Original Confidential
War Diary Month April 1918

Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

VICTORY CAMP April 10 cont
issued on March 27. Batt. relieved the 87th Batt. in
the OPPY Left Section in the course of the night 10th/11th
as per Oper. Order no 20.
Weather. cold & dark in morning but fair in afternoon. RBO'S

Three patrol and one fighting party aggregating three
officers and 28 O.R. reported "Nothing unusual to report."
Hostile artillery was active, registering one direct hit
on TIRED ALLEY C.T. Gas shells were also directed against
us. Generally speaking, our front was very quiet
during the night. Batt. H.Q. was stationed at
B.15.a.30.50. Weather :- Fair. no wind. RBO'S

do 12 Batt. in front line. On right front, hostile artillery
was active & some direct hits were made. "YELLOW
CROSS" gas shells were fired on FARBUS WOOD and SPUR
POST. at rate of about 20 every half hour. The enemy
otherwise were quiet. Changes were made in the dis-
position of the Companies and the headquartes of "A"
and "D" companies are now respectively - B.9.c.50.70
and B.9.d.60.05. Brigade Oper. Order 133. was issued
at 4 pm. and in accordance, the Transport Lines pre-
pared to move to the BERTHONVAL AREA, 7.11.c.4.0.

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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