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Instructions regarding War Diaries and Intelligence
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Army Form C. 2118.

Page 2

38th Canadians

Original - Confidential
War Diary for the month of October 1916

Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices

Brigade Support April 2
As per Oper. Order no 18, the Batt. relieved the 78th Bn. in
Brigade Support on the night of April 1st/2nd. Details
at Transport Lines at CARENCY paid in the afternoon.
Weather - Fine. RBO'S

do 3 Transport Lines moved in forenoon to ECURIE where con-
ditions were very good, in spite of a nearby Observation
Balloon & numerous heavy guns all around. Ninety
nine re-inforcements arrived. Weather : wet in afternoon. RBO'S

do 4 Re inforcements were paid in the afternoon & then later
were sent over to Victory Camp, where the Batt was due to
arrive in the course of the night, as per Oper. Order no 19.
Weather:- rained most of the afternoon and evening. RBO'S

VICTORY CAMP 5 Batt. was relieved in Brigade Support on the night of the
4th/5th by the 44th Batt. & on completion of relief was
billetted in VICTORY CAMP. Q.3.B.9.8. MAROEVIL MAP. 1/20.000.
Batt. and Brigade Details were paid in the course of the
day - Weather :- dull and damp. RBO'S

do 6 Instructions were issued regarding the work of the Batt.
whilst the 12th Can. Inf. Brigade is in Divisional Reserve.
the 38th to act as "A" Battalion from 6.00 am April 7th
until 6.00 am April 8th & to act as "B" Battalion from
6.00 am April 8th until 6.00 am April 9th. About noon

2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.

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