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Army Form C. 2118.
Page 6
38th Canadians
Original Confidential
War Diary December 1917
Place -- Date -- Hour -- Summary of Events and Information Remarks and references to Appendices
LOZINGHEM 1917 Dec 17 cont.
of cheerful song. On reaching BRUAY, the men stif-
fened up & gave a splendid exhibition of marching.
The civilians of BRUAY have a very warm spot in
their hearts for the 38th who were quartered there
for three weeks, just a year ago. The streets were
well lined and many a careless "Au Revoir"
covered the pang of parting. Reaching the
plateau, along which the road to Houdain
winds its way, the full force of the cold wind
and stinging sleet was encountered. Reaching
HOUDAIN about noon, lunch was served. The Batt
pulled out at 1.35 and after the customary
rests, arrived at PETIT-SERVINS about 4 pm
giving enough time to get well settled before dark.
The men showed they were in good shape throughout
the march, and the effects of their rest were apparent. RBO'S
PETIT SERVINS 18 Battalion took matters easily in forenoon & in the
afternoon prepared to move up to the FRONT LINE
as per Oper. Order 111. The move was made ac-
cording to schedule under command of Major
English. Transport remained in PETIT for the
2449 Wt W14957/M90 750,000 1/16 J.B.C. & A. Forms/C.2118/13.
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